Phrasal verbs

Глаголы часто употребляют со следующими словами: on, off, in, out, up, down, away, back, over, about, round, forward, through, along.

Мы часто употребляем следующие слова с глаголами движения. Например:

Get on: The bus was full. We couldn’t get on.

Drive off: She got into the car and drove off.

Come back: Tom is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.

Turn round: When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned round.

Однако часто эти слова изменяют смысл глагола. Например:

— Sorry I’m late. The car broke down.

— Look out! There’s a car coming.

— It was my first flight. I was very nervous as the plane took off.

— I was so tired this morning that I couldn’t get up.

— How did you get on in your examination yesterday?


словосочетания являются фразеологическими глаголами.

Иногда фразеологические глаголы имеют дополнение. Обычно возможны две позиции этих дополнений. Так, можно сказать: дополнение дополнение

I turned off the light. или I turned the light off.

Вот еще несколько примеров:

— Could you

Fill in this form?

Fill this form in?

— It’s warm.

Take off your coat.

Take your coat off.

— The fire-brigade soon arrived and

Put out the fire.

Put the fire out.

— I think I’ll

Throw away these old newspapers.

Throw these old newspapers away.

— The police got into the house by

Breaking down the door.

Breaking the door down.

Иногда дополнением к фразеологическому глаголу является местоимение. Такие местоимения стоят перед on, off, in, out, up, down и т. д.:

— They gave me a form and told me to fill it in.

— Ann’s asleep. Don’t wake her up.

— `What shall I do with these old newspapers?’ `Throw them away.’

— Here’s the money you need. Don’t forget to pay me back.

Иногда употребляют конструкцию фразеологический глагол + предлог. Например: look forward to / keep up with/ cut down on. Дополнение всегда ставится после предлога:

— Are you looking forward to your holiday?

— You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up with you.

— Jack has cut down on smoking. He only smokes five cigarettes a day now.

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Phrasal verbs