Present continuous or present simple?

Изучите эти объяснения и сравните примеры:

Present continuous

Present continuous применяйте, говоря о происходящем во время беседы или в близкое к этому время:

I am doing

Present simple

Present simple используйте, говоря о событиях, действиях, происходящих вообще, либо повторяющихся:

I do







The bell is ringing, the lesson is over.

There is no rain. The Sun is shining brightly. Let’s go for a walk.

-Where is Ann?

-She is having her English lesson now.

Present continuous используется

в разговоре о временных явлениях:

The vacuum cleaner is not working. It broke down yesterday.

As a rule the bell rings when the lesson is over.

The Sun shines in the day-time, and it doesn’t at night.

She has her English twice a week.

Present simple используется в разговоре о долговременных ситуациях:

The vacuum cleaner does not work. You’d better buy a new one.

Вот список глаголов, которые не используются в continuous tenses: want, like, belong, know, suppose, need, love, see, realise, mean, forget, prefer, hate, hear, believe, understand, remember, seem, have, think.

— I have many books by this writer.

— I hate doing nothing

— She doesn’t like reading newspapers.

— This car belongs to our neighbours.

— They can’t hear us. They are too far away.

— She seems very tired.

— What do you think Tom will do?

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Present continuous or present simple?