The Present Continuous Tense. Настоящее длительное время в английском языке

Образование форм:

1. Утвердительной

Вспомогательный глагол
-ING form
Смысловой глагол

2. Отрицательной

Positive sentence
Утвердительное предложение
Negative sentence
Contracted negative
am eating.
I Am not eat Ing.I’m not eating.
You are working.You Are not work IngYou aren’t working.
He is driving.He Is not driv Ing.He isn’t driving.
She is teaching.She Is not teach Ing.She isn’t teaching.
It is raining.It Is not rain Ing.It isn’t raining.
We are reading.We Are not read Ing.We aren’t reading.
They are writing.They Are not writ Ing.They aren’t writing.

3. Вопросительной

Утвердительное предложение
Yes/no question
Общий вопрос
WH — question
Специальный вопрос
I am eating.Am I eat Ing?What am I eating?
You are crying.Are you cry Ing?Why are you crying?
He is going.Is he go Ing?Where is he going?
She is arriving.Is she arriv Ing?When is she arriving?
It is sleeping.Is it sleep Ing?Why is it sleeping?
We are leaving.Are we leav Ing?When are we leaving?
They are fighting.Are they fight Ing?Why are they fighting?

1) actions happening at the moment of speaking

Для описания Действия происходящего В момент речи

She is writing a letter to her friend now.

2) fixed plan in the near future

Для описания Запланированного действия

She is going to Basel on Saturday.

3) temporary actions

Для описания действия происходящего в Настоящий период времени

His father is working in Rome this month.

What book are you writing now?

4) trends

Для передачи Меняющихся ситуаций

More and more people are using their computers to listen to music.

5) repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker

Для описания Типичного действия, вызывающего раздражение, неодобрение говорящего.

Andrew is always coming late.

Как правило в предложении есть указатель — always, constantly, которые на русский переводятся как вечно.

В английском есть глаголы, которые обычно Не употребляются В Present Progressive: Be, believe, belong, hate, hear, like, love, mean, prefer, remain, realize, see, seem, smell, think, understand, want, wish

We sometimes use these words in the Present Progressive in the following situations:

He’s seeing his father tomorrow.

They are having a great time in Kapstadt.

What’s the matter with you? What are you thinking? —

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The Present Continuous Tense. Настоящее длительное время в английском языке