Yuri Gagarin — Юрий Гагарин

Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born on the 9th of March, 1934. He was born in the village of Klushino in the Smolensk region. Yuri was an active, brave and curious boy. His father was

A Citizen Is Not a Profession. Быть гражданином — не профессия

What does the sentence «I am a citizen of Russia» mean? At first it is difficult to answer. Let’s take some examples. A doctor helps people to improve their health. A worker makes machines.

My School. Моя школа

I am going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern and I like it very much. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms

Система образования Великобритании. Государственное образование

All state schools in Britain are free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies. Nine million children attend 35.000 schools in Britain. Education is compulsory from 5 till 16

Мой любимый вид спорта Топик — Topic My Favourite Sport

Почему мы занимаемся спортом? Занятия спортом приносят не только физическое, но и моральное удовлетворение. Каждый может найти себе спорт по душе. Будь то новичок, или человек, уже занимающийся спортом или даже профессионал, любой человек

London 2012 Olimpic Games. Олимпийские игры в Лондоне 2012

The 2012 Summer Olympics, officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad, and also more generally known as London 2012, was a major international sport event, as governed by the International Olympic Committee, that took

Животные Австралии, английский топики город

There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else. Did you know that? Of course, you did! I personally divide Australian animals into three categories: the good, the bad, the ugly.

What change would make to your hometown? Что бы Вы изменили в Вашем родном городе?

Everything in the universe is in constant change. And everything needs continual improvement if the ever changing and increasing demands of humankind are to be met. If I were ever given the chance to

Healhty Way Of Life. Здоровый образ жизни

Scientists say that in the future people will live longer. With healthier lifestyles and better medical care the average person will live to 90 or 100 instead of 70 and 75 like today. When

Christmas in Great Britain. Рождество в Великобритании

For many British families Christmas is the most important holiday of the year. It is a combination of the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ, and the traditional winter holidays. On the Sunday