The Tower Of London. Лондонский Тауэр

The Tower has been many things: a palace, a fortress, a prison, a place of execution, a Zoo. Today, it is best known as a historical museum. About 150 people and six ravens live

Топики по английскому языку образование, Education In Britain And Russia — Образование в Велкобритании и России

I’d like to tell you a few words about education in Britain and in Russia and I’d like to start with British education system. In Britain all children from 5 to 16 go to

Turkmenistan. Туркменистан

The history of Turkmenistan indicates that the Turkmens were nomadic people who lived on their own, never trying to conquer any land. In the 8th century Turkmens were forced to accept Islam by the

What are the qualities of a good neighbor? Каковы черты характера хорошего соседа?

Speaking of the word «neighbor», it arouses different responses among people. Some people may frown upon it, others might nod their heads at it with their whole-hearted smile on their faces. No matter which

Шарлотта Бронте, топик английский travel

Charlotte Bronte was born in a small town in England in 1816. Charlotte and her sisters, Emily and Ann had a very hard life, from early childhood they knew poverty and very hard work.

Gulliver’s Travels — Приключения Гулливера

In 1726 Swift’s masterpiece «Gulliver’s Travels» appeared. This work made a great sensation in Ireland as well as in England, it equally strirred the interests of those in politics as well as the readers

Топик по английскому праздники, American Holidays — Американские праздники

There are a number of holidays in the USA which are celebrated every year. Here are some of them. The 1st of January is New Year’s Day. People do not go to bed until

California Dwelling. Калифорнийские дома

Why do so many new ideas come from California? It must be something in the air. New lifestyles, new kinds of medicine, new religions, new house styles — so many new things come from

University housing or apartment. Общежитие или отдельная квартира

In dorms, students can learn to improve their communication skills and to live with others harmoniously. Roommates must adjust their eating and sleeping habits regarding to each other»s needs. Each one must adjust his

Летние каникулы Топик — Topic My summer holidays

Лето — мое любимое время года, потому что в это время тяжелые и напряженные школьные дни остаются позади и нас ждут длинные каникулы. Я всегда планирую множество интересных вещей на летние каникулы. Почти каждый