Учитель английского и переводчик, Teacher and interpreter

Article was written by non-native speaker. There can be some mistakes in the text. Be attentive!

These professions are very important nowadays, because English language is the most popular for doing business with foreign companies, travelling and so on. English language is an international language.

Teachers help us to learn English language, understand English speech and English texts, they teach us to talk correctly.

Nowadays teachers are very demanded at schools, but their wage is smaller than interpreter’s salary. A teacher of English language must be patient, attentive, careful and humanistic. They mustn’t give a lot of hometasks with several essays!

There are several kinds of interpreters: a translator and an interpreter. The profession of an interpreter is very interesting. People often work for serious companies. But it has its disadvantages too. For example, this work is very stressful and nervous, an interpreter must know the aspect of his work, besides an interpreter has to work flex time. And there are some advantages too: this job is well-paid. An interpreter must have good diction and good hearing; he must be benevolent and well-read. This profession is very exciting.

To crown it all both professions are very useful and important for us and our country nowadays.

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Учитель английского и переводчик, Teacher and interpreter