Mixed Tenses №1

Выберите правильный вариант: We had been walking for hours………. we reached the campsite. A since В for С before John was repairing the car…………… Steve was tidying the garage. A while В before С

Plural and uncountable nouns with and without the

Определенный артикль the обычно не используется перед существительным, когда имеем в виду что-то в целом, вообще: — Scientists are so clever I’m afraid to speak to them. — I don’t like cats. — I

If sentences

Сравните следующие примеры: Zag: I think I left my suitcase in your house. Have you seen it? Jane: No, but I’ll have a look. If I find it, I’ll give it to you. В

Pronouns №1

Выберите правильную форму местоимения: 1. Jody has lost ________ book. 1. ? mine 2. ? her 3. ? hers 4. ? theirs 2. Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I’m saving ________ until

Subjunctive Mood. Had better

Дополните предложения, используя структуру had better с глаголами в скобках: 1.The plane’s at six o’clock. You…………. packing, hadn’t you? 2. I suppose I……….. up and have some coffee. 3. You………. the door and see

Subjunctive Mood. Would rather №2

Переделайте предложения, используя структуру would rather: 1. We would rather………… home tonight. 2. Mr. Jones would rather……… home last night. 3. The policeman would rather……. on Saturday than on Sunday. 4. Maria would rather

Noun. Singular / Plural forms. №1

Выберите правильный вариант: 1 A: I have a Physics exam tomorrow. B: Oh dear. Physics Is/are a very difficult subject. 2 A:My office is three miles from my house. B:Three miles Is/are a long

Verb + object + infinitive

Want, ask, expect, wish, should/would, like, hate, advise, recommend, allow, permit, help и т. д. После таких глаголов можно употреблять две конструкции: Глагол + to + Инфинитив и Глагол + Дополнение + to +

Must and have to

Когда мы говорим о необходимости сделать что-либо, то используем must и have to. Часто между ними нет разницы: — You must have a passport to visit most foreign countries. Однако, иногда существует разница между

It is said that…/He is said to…etc. and supposed to

Рассмотрите такую ситуацию: Кольцо очень дорогое. Никто не знает, сколько оно стоит, но: It is said that the ring is $1.000.000. Или The ring is said to be $1.000.000. Оба предложения означают: «Говорят, что