Adjectives and Adverbs. Degrees of comparison. №2

Отройте скобки, используя прилагательные и наречия в нужной форме:

1 A:Did you enjoy the film?
B: Yes. It was…the funniest.. film I’ve ever seen.

2 A:James is very tall.
B:Yes. He’s….. boy in our class.

3 A: Was it a good party?
B:Yes. I left…. than I had intended to.

4 A: Did you like the black dress?
B: Yes, but it was…. than the blue one.

5 A: Why do you want to go to Spain?
B: Because it’s much.. than England.

6 A: Do you enjoy your job?
B: Oh, yes. It’s….. job I’ve ever had.

7 A: If you need any…… help, just ask me.
B:Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

8 A: My teacher is very clever.
B: Yes. She’s…… woman I’ve ever met.

9 A: Dinosaurs were….. than houses.
B: I know. They were enormous.

10 A: How much did you pay for that bag?
B: £5. It was…… one I could find.

11 A: That exam was really difficult.
B:I agree. It was a lot….. than I had expected.

12 A: Have you heard James playing the piano lately?
B:Yes, but he doesn’t seem to be getting….. .

Ответы к упражнению:

The funniest The tallest Later More expensive Warmer The best Further The most intelligent Bigger The cheapest More difficult Better

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Adjectives and Adverbs. Degrees of comparison. №2