Adjectives and adverbs


Good — является прилагательным. Наречие — well:

— Your English is very good. You speak English well.

— Susan is a good pianist. She plays the piano well.

Мы часто употребляем well с причастием : well-dressed well-known well-educated.

Однако, well бывает также прилагательным со значением `в хорошем здравии’:

— `How are you now?’ `I’m very well, thanks.’

Fast/hard/late — эти слова — и прилагательные, и наречия:

He is a hard man to please. Children like hard-boiled eggs.

She travels by fast trains only. Don’t speak so fast!

You are late, as usual. He got up late in the evening.

Наречие lately = недавно:

— Have you been to the cinema lately?

Hardly имеет значение полностью отличное от hard:

Hardly = почти не. Изучим примеры:

— I’m so tired, I can hardly walk.

— I hardly know her.

Мы часто употребляем hardly с can/could.

— Your writing is terrible. I can hardly read it.

— My leg was hurting me. I could hardly walk.

Мы также употребляем hardly с any/anyone/anything/anywhere:

— Hardly anybody came to the meeting.

— Hardly ever = almost never.

Отметьте, что можно сказать:

— She ate hardly anything. или She hardly ate anything.

— We’ve got hardly any food. или We’ve hardly got any food.

Hardly ever = почти никогда:

— I’m nearly always at home in the evenings. I hardly ever go out.

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Adjectives and adverbs