Is homework necessary? Нужно ли домашнее задание каждый день?
Most students in this world struggle daily with their homework. Many teachers believe that daily homework is the key to education and school success. I agree with this opinion. Here are my reasons.
First, daily homework can reinforce the knowledge students learned at school. A student cannot concentrate every minute, and remember everything that a teacher taught in class. Daily homework is the best way for students to review what he learned during the day, study on the problems that he does not understand, and prepare for the next day»s work.
Second, daily homework is the bases of success in exams. This is especially true for those students who are not so bright, and the only way to succeed at school is doing homework each day. Whenever the homework flags, the class behavior dips, the learning is muddled, and the grades take a nosedive. No matter what the ability of a student is, daily homework is the key to students» school success.
Third, daily homework can help students develop good learning habits. Learning is not always an enjoyable experience and students always need to spend hard time on it. Daily homework can form a kind of habit of learning for students. Once a habit is formed, learning is not such a painful thing and a student can find it more and more interesting. Obviously this will greatly benefit to a student.
In conclusion, daily homework is crucial to students» success. Life requires us to keep learning in order to catch on with this fast pacing society. A good learning habit and method that we developed when we are students can benefit us for the rest of our life.

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