Past Simple
Откройте скобки, используя глаголы в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительных формах прошедшего времени:
1 That boy my window.
2 I to work every day last year.
3 Laura that boy.
4 James the book about films.
5 We them at the same place every week.
6 You that there.
7 We at the same desks.
8 An American Wimbledon last year.
Ответы к упражнению:
1 That boy broke my window.
That boy didn’t break my window.
Did that boy break your window?
2 I drove to work every day last year.
I didn’t drive to work every day last year.
Did you drive to work every day last year?
3 Laura hit that boy.
Laura didn’t hit that boy.
Did Laura hit that boy?
4 James kept the book about films.
James didn’t keep the book about films.
Did James keep the book about films?
5 We met them at the same place every week.
We didn’t meet them at the same place every week.
Did we meet them at the same place every week?
6 You put that there.
You didn’t put that there.
Did you put that there?
7 We sat at the same desks.
We didn’t sit at the same desks.
Did we sit at the same desks?
8 An American won Wimbledon last year.
An American didn’t win Wimbledon last year.
Did an American win Wimbledon last year?

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