Present perfect with since, for, how long. Past simple with when

Как вы уже заметили, since и for часто употребляются в предложениях с Present Perfect Continuous. Мы используем since для указания момента начала действия:

— She has been watching TV since early morning.

— They have been travelling since last Monday.

For употребляется для указания всего периода времени:

— He has been working in that firm for two months.

— It has been raining for 3 hours.

— They have been agruing about that for more than an hour.

Но с выражениями: all day, all morning, all week, all my life. НИКОГДА НЕ УПОТРЕБЛЯЕТСЯ for.

— It has been raining all day long.

— She has been training all week long.

Используйте Present perfect, чтобы спросить или сказать, как долго что-то происходит. Помните структуру How long is it since…?:

— It’s two years since I saw your flat.

— It’s ages since we visited this place.

— How long has it been raining?

— It’s been raining since one o’clock.

Обратите внимание, что с when всегда употребляется Past Indefinite Tense, не зависимо от того, спрашиваете ли вы что-либо или говорите:

— When did he come home?

— When did you see this film?

— He was preparing for his report, when the telephone rang.

— When I entered the room I saw my mother sitting in the armchair.

Помните конструкцию How long is it since?

— It’s two years since I saw your flat.

— It’s ages since we visited this place.

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Present perfect with since, for, how long. Past simple with when