Present Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect №4

Write the sentences again, using the word or words in brackets instead of the underlined word or words. Make the necessary changes to the sentences.

Перепишите предложения, используя слова в скобках вместо подчеркнутых слов, измените время:
1 I’m reading a book about the Pacific at the moment.

2 We’ve taken an expedition to China for the last five years.

3 We eat a lot of fish every week.

4 Pauline Jones has worked at a travel agent’s in London since 2000.

5 Brian goes to some unusual places in the summer.

6 We always prepare for expeditions.

7 Dave is repairing his motorbike, so we can’t go to the cinema on it.

Ответы к упражнению:

1 I often read books about the Pacific.
2 We take an expedition to China every year.
3 We are eating a lot of fish at the moment.
4 Pauline Jones is working at a travel agent’s in London in the school holidays this year.
5 Brian has gone to unusual places for the last five years.
6 We are preparing for an expedition now.
7 Dave has repaired his motorbike, so we can go to the cinema on it.

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Present Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect №4