Синонимические выражения if
When — когда
When Steve calls, tell him I’ll be back in ten minutes.
Unless — если не
Unless you help me, I won’t finish on time.
Providing/ provided that — если
I’ll water the flowers provided that I have time today.
So/as long as — как только
As long as you promise me to be back by midnight, you can go to the party.
On condition that — при условии что…
He agreed to work on Sundays on condition that he was paid overtime.
Suppose/supposing — предположим что…
Suppose you were fired, what would you do?
Otherwise — иначе
We’d better leave now. Otherwise we’ll miss our flight.
But for — если бы не…
But for your advice, I’d have fallen ill.
Or — иначе
Don’t do that again or else I’ll punish you.
Even if — даже если бы
I wouldn’t go to the party even if they invited me.
In case — в случае….
In case of a fire, sound the alarm.
Should he fail the test, it would be a great disappointment for him.
Were he more careful, he would make fewer mistakes.

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