The City. Сити
The City is the heart of London, its commercial and business part. Numerous banks, offices, firms and trusts are concentrated there. The area of the City is about a square mile. It is an area with a long and exciting history, and it is proud of independence and traditional role as a centre of trade and commerce. The City does not refer to the whole of central London but rather to a small area east of the centre, which includes the site of the original Roman town.
The City of London is one of the major banking centres of the world and one can find the banks of many nations here. Here, too, you can find the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and Lloyds, the most famous insurance company in the world.
Only five thousand people live in the City. Before and after the business hours the streets of the City are crowded with more than a million people who come there to work.
Сити — сердце Лондона, его коммерческая
Лондонский Сити является одним из главных банковских центров мира и здесь можно найти банки многих стран. Здесь также можно найти Банк Англии, Фондовую биржу и Lloyds, самую известную страховую компанию в мире.
Только 5000 человек живут в Сити. До и после рабочего дня улицы Сити переполнены более чем миллионом людей, которые приезжают сюда на работу.





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