Топики по английскому языку с переводом
Вильям Шекспир, different english topics
Nowadays people seem to read newspapers mostly. Many people are fond of reading detective stories or spy thrillers. I myself prefer books about politics, history, travel-books and biographies. It is my dream to become
Extreme sports — Экстримальные виды спорта
Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all these in the different extreme sports that have become popular last 10 years. Take bungee jumping. You jump off a bridge and you fall and fall, and
Zoo. Зоопарк
Every city has one or more zoos. For a while, people think that a zoo is no useful purpose. If I were faced with this issue, I would think that zoos are useful. In
Our Classroom. Наш класс
Our classroom is situated on the second floor of our school building. It is very light because it has three big windows and the walls are covered with light green wallpaper. The windows look
Moscow — Москва, moscow topic english
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was not always the capital. In ancient times the capitals of Russia were also Kiev and Novgorod. After Peter the Great built Saint-Petersberg it was the Russian
Outstanding People of Russia. Выдающиеся люди России
It is necessary to say that great contribution to the development of the world science and culture, literature, music and painting was made by the Russian people. The names of Russian scientists and writers,
My Friend’s House. Дом моей подруги
A friend of mine is my former schoolmate. Her name is Ann. She lives in a nice cottage. It’s a stone house. In front of it there is a green lawn and a flower
The best way of reducing stress. Лучший способ снять стресс
They say that «Life is a big headache on a long noisy road.» This statement truly explains life nowadays. Life in the twenty first century is full of stress. From dawn to dusk, everyone
Наркотики Топик — Topic Drugs
Употребление наркотиков серьезное заболевание современного общества, оказывающее губительное влияние на целые группы населения и отдельные семьи по всему миру. Но что гораздо страшнее, большой процент употребляющих наркотики — это молодые люди, неспособные осознать риск,
Should university students be required to attend classes? Должно ли быть посещение занятий обязательным в университете?
Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I really disagree with them about it. I do not understand how a university student can expect to learn much knowledge if
Соединенные Штаты Америки, topic english language
The USA is the most powerful and highly developed country of the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean
Getting a Job. Получение работы
Getting a job is a very hard period in the life of most people. Companies choose an employee from hundreds of candidates according to special rules, that is why there are special «typical» factors,
Моя будущая профессия Топик — Topic My Future Profession
Этим летом я сдаю выпускные экзамены. Что касается моей будущей профессии, я могу сказать, что уже сделала свой выбор. Я хочу быть преподавателем иностранного языка. Работа учителя иностранного языка чрезвычайно разностороння. Обучение языку —
Australia — the land of blue mountains — Австралия — земля голубых гор
The Great Barrier Reef on the coast of Queensland is a garden underthe sea. There are 1,400 different kinds of fish, and more than 300 kinds of coral. Tropical fruit and flowers grow on
The State Tretyakov Gallery. Государственная Третьяковская галерея
The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the best-known picture galleries in Russia. It takes its name from its founder Pavel Tretyakov, a Moscow merchant and art connoisseur. In the mid-19th century, Tretyakov began
Job Security In Business World. Гарантии места работы в современном бизнесе
In the modern society, people are taking a fresh look at whether companies should offer employees job security for their entire lives, since many businesses are now realizing that job security make employees less
Forests should be saved. Леса должны быть сохраненными
Have you ever walked in a forest? How good it feels to breath the cool fresh air! Every one should admit that forests are very important to our life. But forests are disappearing quickly
Топики по английскому языку телевидение, Advantages and disadvantages of TV — Преимущества и недостатки телевидения
We talk to various people from different countries about their attitudes about TV. Does TV educate or stimulate? Or it is a drug or tranquilizer used to control the population. There are some views,
Ireland. Ирландия
Ireland is an island on the west side of Europe. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. There are about 5 million people in the Republic of Ireland. It is a small country but a
Дорога к звездам, english topic hobby
When did man first begin to think of space travel? Man began to think of space travel in the second century A. D. At that time a Greek, Lucian of Samos, wrote a fantastic
My Favourite Meal. Мое любимое блюдо
At the age of 11 I was lucky to visit Italy; this country charmed me at once: I really liked its narrow streets, always smiling and friendly people, a bit strange but very peculiar
Being alone or with friends. Быть одному или с друзьями
There are many lovely things in our lives such as the fresh air on a winter day, the beauty of the country in autumn, learning of love and the growing of a friendship. Everyone
American and British schools — Американские и Британские школы
In America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in «elementary» school, and four or six years in «secondary» or «high» school. School education is free. At the
Исаак Ньютон Топик — Topic Isaac Newton
Исаак Ньютон родился 4 января 1643 в Уолстропе, Линкольншир. Его отец был преуспевающим фермером, но умер за три месяца до его рождения. В 1661 он поступил в Кембриджский университет, где заинтересовался математикой, оптикой, физикой
Топики по английскому языку еда, My food — Моя еда
I have usually meals four times a day. They are breakfast, lunch at the University, dinner and supper. Dinner is the substantial meal of a day. It consists of 3 courses. We can’t imagine
Famous people of Russia — Известные люди России, английские топики менделеев
Much was done by people to reach the present state of human development. It is necessary to say that great contribution to the development of the world science and culture, literature, music and painting
A house or a business? Дом или бизнес?
Nowadays the only thing people seem to be interested is earning more and more money. Many people spend their entire lives doing business and neglect their family and friends. I do not want to
How would you use a free gift of land? Как бы вы распорядились подарком в виде земельного участка?
A fazenda? A playground? Or a garden? How would you use the land that you have received to use as you wish? Obviously, the answers of different people would be diverse. As far as
Easter. Пасха
Easter is the most important holiday of the year. Easter egg is called pysanka. Pysanka shells have been found in archaeological sites from more than 3000 years ago, and many of those designs are
Face-to-face communication or emails and phone calls. Общение лицом к лицу или через почу и телефон?
With the rapid growth of high technology, computer, telephone and other communication tools have become more and more important in our daily life, so what people have gradually ignored face-to-face communication. If I were
Russian space science — Русская космическая наука
On April 12 every year the Russian people celebrate Cosmonautics Day in commemoration of the first space flight in the world which was made by Russian citizen. Here are three main dates in the
Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home? Вы предпочитаете кушать дома или в кафе?
Nowadays, some people like to eat at home and prepare food by themselves, but others prefer to eat out side in restaurants or at food stands. As far as I am concerned, I prefer
Anton Chekhov — Антон Чехов
My favourite writer is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. In my opinion, he is the greatest Russian dramatist and short-story writer. I’m never tired of reading and rereading his plays and humorous stories. Chekhov was born
Топики по английскому языку известные люди, famous people
В данном подразделе вы найдете топики по английскому языку на тему «Известные люди». Вместе с английским вы будет познавать биографию популярных людей, их судьбы, а также истории из жизни. Это действительно интересно и увлекательно,
Toxicomania. Токсикомания
Such products as glue, butane gas, solvents are made on solvent base. That is why they can be used for sniffing and then receiving post effects of visual hallucinations. Solvents are usually commercial products,
Zhytomyr. Житомир
Zhytomyr is a historic city in the North of the western half of Ukraine. It is the administrative center of the Zhytomyr Oblast. Zhytomyr is a major transportation hub. The city lies on a
Gift for a child. Подарок для ребенка
Children»s development plays a crucial role in building their physical and mental characteristics. It is known that children are able to absorb all necessary information provided by their parents and other adults. Their unlimited
Movies Affect People. Фильмы влияют на людей
Movies are popular because people are great watchers. They like to watch other peoples’ lives. They like to live vicariously. By going to movies, we can escape our own lives, share other people’s emotions,
New Year’s Day — Новый Год
At midnight on 31st December bells will ring out around the world to welcome the New Year. Although certain countries and religions calculate time by other calendars most countries in the world now number
At the Post-Office. На почте
If you want to buy stamps, postcards, envelopes, to send a telegram or money order, to subscribe to newspapers or magazines, you have to go to the post-office. At some post-offices there is a
New Year in Our Country. Новый год в нашей стране
New Year is a great holiday in our country. Everybody likes it very much. It is especially loved by little children. People do not go to work on that day, and children do not
Покупки, english topics shopping
When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s
Robin Hood — Робин Гуд
This school-year at our English out side reading lessons we had read many interesting stories about Robin Hood. The most interesting story is a story about Golden Arrow. In the 11th century England was
Франклин и Джефферсон Топик — Topic Franklin and Jefferson
Томас Джефферсон и Бенжамин Франклин — две фигуры американской истории, наиболее известные своими взглядами и вкладом в политику Америки на ранних этапах. В дополнение к политическим достижениям, оба были состоявшимися учеными и изобретателями. В
«The Old Man and the Sea». «Старик и море»
My favorite book is «The Old Man and the Sea» by Ernest Hemingway. This story is one of the well-known works of the writer. The author depicts the characters of the old man and
Интернет Топик — Topic The Internet
Интернет — это огромная сеть компьютеров, подключенных друг к другу и обслуживающих миллионы пользователей по всему миру. Широкое распространение Интернет получил в конце 70-х годов прошлого века, когда число его пользователей стало стремительно расти.
Future Life. Жизнь в будущем
Can you imagine what our lives will be like in the year 2050? Perhaps you will be flying off for a holiday on the moon, or maybe you will be taking your dog for
My Best Holiday Abroad. Мой лучший отдых за границей
My best holiday I spent with my girlfriend. We rested for four weeks at the hotel Kempinski in Bodrum, Turkey. We flew by a plane to Turkey from Cyprus. It was the second time
Football. Футбол
Football has been called the most popular game in the world, and it certainly has a great many fans in Britain. It is the game that is played nearly in all countries. A team
Household tasks and children. Обязанность по дому и дети
When children grow up old enough to be able to help with some household tasks, some parents do insist that their children should take those kind of family works as early as they can,