Higher Education In Great Britain. Высшее образование в Великобритании

For seven hundred years Oxford and Cambridge universities dominated the British education. Scotland had four universities, all founded before A. D. 1600. Wales only acquired a university in the 20th century; it consisted of

Семейная жизнь в Великобритании Топик — Topic Family Life in Britain, Топик

Отношение к семейной жизни в Великобритании меняется. В 20-м веке типичная для британцев семья с двумя родителями претерпела значительные изменения. На настоящий момент в Британии самое большое число неполных семей — четверть всех детей

Character. Readiness to Help Someone. Характер. Готовность помочь

In our everyday life we meet people who are always ready to help. And it is important to say that such people help not because they are asked to help. In this way they

Происхождение Олимпийских игр, moscow topic english

Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars. Small states suffered and lost much even if they did not take any side and stayed out of wars. The ruler of such a small state, Elis,

Is watching TV bad for children? Вредно ли детям смотреть телевизор?

Everything consists of goodness and badness. People cannot evaluate something only by its benefit or only by its harmfulness. This is why I disagree with the point that watching television is bad for children.

Country and City. Деревня или город

People are always wondering whether the country or the city is the ideal place to live. If there is one preference-which I take leave to make a conclusion-then it is the country rather than

Топики по английскому искусство, Art In Moscow

Speaking about art gallereys of Moscow we must mention the most famous gallereys. The State Tretyakov gallery is one of the best known picture gallereys in Russia. It takes it’s name from it’s founder

Available higher education. Доступное высшее образование

Some people hold the opinion that university education should be available to all students, while others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. I deem the first one as the

Топики по английскому языку россия, Russia — Россия

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one seventh of the earth’s surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total

To borrow or not to borrow. Одалживать или нет

«Keep your friendship and business relationship separate.» This statement is very popular. There are many people who have personal experience that proves this point. A dollar sign often symbolizes greediness, envy and even crime.

Subculture. Субкультура

Today the life of many young people in Russia as well as in other countries of the world is influenced by popular culture. The young follow certain stereotypes that are imposed on them through

Halloween — День всех святых

Halloween, name applied to the evening of October 31, preceding the Christian feast of Hallowmas, Allhallows, or All Saints’ Day. The observances connected with Halloween are thought to have originated among the ancient Druids,

Life without friends. Жизнь без друзей

There are people in this world that prefer to live on their own, to stay as far as possible for the company of other people, to enjoy the silence and comfort of being alone,

Groundhog Day. День сурка

Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, it will

The Weather and Climate Fluctuations

‘Funny weather we are having’ is a statement of the obvious we have used for generations as a greeting. When the deep cold lasts long and heavy snow and blizzards give us the shivers

Kazakhstan. Казахстан

Kazakhstan, officially Republic of Kazakhstan, has the population of 15,186,000 people and territory 2,719,500 sq km, is situated in central Asia. It borders on Siberian Russia in the north, China in the east, Kyrgyzstan,

British Holidays — Британские праздники

There are a number of holidays, which are celebrated in Great Britain every year. One of them is, of course, New Year’s Day on the first of January. It is not so popular in

Your Hobbies

The word Hobby has become very popular and clear to everybody. Nobody seems to be without a hobby nowadays. A hobby is not only philately or coins. Look up the word Hobby in a

Шарлотта Бронте Топик — Topic Charlotte Bronte

Шарлотта Бронте родилась 21 апреля 1816 года. Она посещала школу Клержи для девочек в Ланкашире в 1824. Однако в следующем году она вернулась домой из-за суровых условий и после смерти двух ее сестер. В

Топики по английскому языку профессии, работа, job

Выбор профессии является очень серьезным вопросом, который рано или поздно касается каждого человека, особенно в раннем возрасте, и данный вопрос требует абсолютно обдуманного подхода. Здесь учитываются как личная заинтересованность каждого человека, так и индивидуальные

Which country would you like to visit? В какую страну ты хотел бы поехать?

If I have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks, I would not hesitate to choose Gambia-a country lies in West Africa. I began to notice this tiny country at the

Zodiac Signs. Cancer, Leo, Virgo. Рак, Лев, Дева

Cancer Is a mysterious sign, filled with contradictions. They want security and comfort yet seek new adventure. They are very helpful to others yet sometimes can be cranky and indifferent. Cancer has a driving,

At the Airport. В аэропорту

When preparing to fly, passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time. They must register their tickets, get a seat assignment, and weigh and check their luggage. Most airlines

Северная Ирландия Топик — Topic Northern Ireland

Северная Ирландия является одной из четырех стран Соединенного Королевства. Она расположена в северо-восточной части острова Ирландия и включает в себя Ратлин и несколько мелких островов. Страна омывается Северным проливом и Ирландским морем. Население Северной

My Attitude to Fast Food. Мое отношение к еде быстрого приготовления

Recent technological advancements have changed the way people live radically. They have also made food easier to prepare — fast foods and preserved foods are everywhere. The days when cooking of food was a

Smoking. Курение

Smoking is highly injurious to health and its adverse effects on passive smokers is well established. I, therefore, strongly favor the ban imposed in many public places and office buildings in various countries. Smoking

Дома в Америке, темы по английскому языку

American homes are some of the biggest and best in the world. Many have a garage for one or two cars, a big modern kitchen, a living room, and a playroomforthe children. Upstairs there

Rostov-on-Don. Ростов-на-Дону

My native city is Rostov-on-Don. It is the capital of the Don area. It was founded in 1749. It is situated on the right bank of the river Don. In the past Rostov was

The Life of American Youth. Жизнь молодежи в США

Young people in the USA also have their problems and hobbies. I would like to tell about some of them. At American schools there are many different circles for schoolchildren, for example, a school

Мой любимый фильм Топик — Topic My Favourite Film

Один из моих любимых способов проводить свободное время, тот, что мне особенно нравится — это походы в кино. И я хотел бы рассказать о фильме, от просмотра которого я получил огромное удовольствие. Он называется

My Journey. Мое путешествие

For some people there is nothing so exciting as traveling, and I’m not an exception. And I’m happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my first journey wasn’t the last

Моя семья — рассказ о себе Топик — Topic My family about myself

Меня зовут Энн Смит и я хотела бы сказать несколько слов о своей семье. Наша семья небольшая, скорее обычная: мой отец, мама, мой младший брат и я. У нас также есть домашние любимцы: щенок

Customs and Traditions in Great Britain. Обычаи и традиции Великобритании

Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be cold and reserved. In reality they are steady, easy-going and fond of sport. But these statements can’t be universal.


HjThe word «Christmas» is derived from the words «Christ’s Mass» — the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But although Christmas is undoubtedly a Christian celebration, it is also true to say that

My Favourite Subject. Мой любимый предмет

My favourite subject is English. English is very important subject as it has become the most used language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations in the world. It is also the language of

London. St Paul’s Cathedral. Лондон. Собор Святого Павла

St Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings in the world, and it is also one of the greatest survivors! There was once a Roman temple on the site, dedicated to the

Субкультуры топики по английскому, Youth subculture — Молодежная субкультура

For many years youth in Russia was somehow suppressed and its ideas and thoughts were not taken into consideration. Nowadays it has more rights than before and is free to demonstrate itself as it

Global Poverty. Глобальная бедность

It is not a secret that today more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. Poverty has become global and it causes wars, crimes, violence, and deaths. It causes a

William Somerset Maugham — Уильям Сомерсет Моэм

William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers of the 20th century. He was not only a novelist, but also a one of the most successful dramatist and short-story writers. He

English Today. Английский язык сегодня

Modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason it’s becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English. One billion people

Great Britain. Великобритания

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe. The British Isles are separated from the continent by the narrow strait

Cloning. Клонирование

Films and science fiction books have often played with the idea of reproducing exact copies of people. Today, science fiction has become science fact. We have our first real clones, though they are not

Ballet. Балет

Not very long ago when people mentioned ballet, they thought of Russian ballet. In fact ballet came to Russia relatively late. It brought traditions from many other countries, mainly from France and Italy. Actually

My favorite TV program — Моя любимая ТВ программа

Television plays an important role in our life. It informs people about current events both national and international, the latest achievements in science and culture, and offers some programs, which are both interesting and

The Earth and the Solar System — Земля и Солнечная система

We, humans, live on the Earth. And our planet Earth is surrounded by space. The sky is what we see of space. There are billions of stars and probably billions of other planets moving

The Council of Europe

Not long ago Russia became a member of the Council of Europe. And what does the term «The Council of Europe» mean? For over 50 years the Council of Europe has been working to

Sports or library? Спорт или библиотека?

When it comes to the issue of the arrangement of the university budget, some people suggest that universities should spend more money on their libraries rather than on student»s sports activities, while others maintain

Топики по английскому 5 класс, My school — Моя школа

My school is large, airy and light. It is neither old nor new. There is a large schoolyard and a stadium. We sometimes have physical training lessons here. There are 3 floors in the

William Caxton

William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1422. His father was a farmer. William did not want to become a farmer like his father. So his father sent

Should a new movie theater be built in your neighborhood? Нужен ли кинотеатр рядом с вами?

Some people will say that a new movie theater in our neighborhood would be a bad thing. However, I fully support the plan to build one. I feel that a movie theater would bring