Телевидение в нашей жизни Топик — Topic Television in our life

Я думаю, невозможно представить себе нашу жизнь без телевидения. Оно широко используется в современном мире как наиболее быстрый способ передачи информации. Оно также играет важную роль в отражении жизни общества. Телевидение — это большая

Traveling alone. Я предпочитаю путешествовать один

Some people think is better to travel in a group that is lead by a guide. For my experience so far, I am inclined to believe that such a way of traveling has more

Food топик по английскому, Meals and cooking — Блюда и приготовления еды

When we cook, we boil, roast, fry or stew our food. We boil eggs, meat, chicken, fish, milk, water and vegetables. We fry eggs, fish and vegetables. We stew fish, meat, vegetables or fruit.

Do you spend money or save? Вы тратите деньги или собираете?

When I am economically independent, I will choose to enjoy the money I earn instead of saving it for some time in the future. Life is a process of consuming; and we are growing

Роберт Бернс, топик английский менеджер

Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet, was born on January 25, 1759 in Scotland. His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer. There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. His

Вашингтон, english topic food

Washington, the capital of the United States of America, is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The district is a piece of land ten miles square and it does not

My little sister — Моя младшая сестра

I’ve got a sister. Her name is Kate. She’s three. She has got many toys: four balls — red, green, blue and yellow; three puppies — black, white and grey; two brown monkeys, a

Northern Ireland. Северная Ирландия

Northern Ireland, integral part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is situated in the northeastern portion of the island of Ireland. Northern Ireland is bounded on the north and northeast

Рождество, английские праздники топики

Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. Many people look on Christmas as the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but really the tradition goes back to the earliest of times. In

New Year’s Eve in Great Britain. Новый Год в Великобритании

The first of January, New Year’s Day, is a big holiday in Scotland. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family. Friends usually come on that day. They have a good dinner. After

Sport In My Life. Спорт в моей жизни

Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It has been developing with the developing and growth of the mankind. To my mind we can hardly overestimate the meaning of sport in our

My Favourite Artist. Мой любимый художник

One of my favourite artists is Valentin Serov. When I first saw his famous pictures «The Girl with Peaches» and «The Girl in the Sunlight» in the Tretyakov Gallery, frankly speaking, I wasn’t too

Advantages and disadvantages of TV — Преимущества и недостатки телевидения

TV has good and bad sides. First of all it keeps people informed, we can learn a lot of information watching TV. We can choose programs that appeal to us more, because TV provides

Английские тексты топики, A sense of adventure — Ощущение приключения

In our time, life is not so interesting and exciting as it can be. The world has become a bland and safe place. Each day is like another and we are so tired of

Топики по английскому времена года, Seasons — Времена года

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. March, April and May are spring months. Spring is the most pleasant of all the seasons of the year. The weather is

Топик по английскому экология, Ecology — Экология

In recent years the environmental problems have become extremely urgent and received a great publicity. In some way they are the result of scientific and technological progress of the 20-th century. But people also

My flat — Моя квартира

We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fifth floor of a nine-storied building. It has all modem conveniences: central heating, running hot and cold water,

Топики по английскому языку путешествия, Travelling — Путешествие

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Of course, travelling by

Топики по английскому языку погода, weather

Здесь вы найдете топики по английскому языку по теме «Погода». Во всем многообразии тематик для легкого и ни к чему не обязывающего общения, которое очень часто завязывается во время туристических поездок, есть вечная тема

Jupiter. Юпитер

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass slightly less than one-thousandth of the Sun but is two

The importance of reading and writing. Важность умения читать и писать

For ages, reading and writing has been vital aids to the intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of mankind. With rapid changes in the society and scientific advancement of human race over the decades, the

Buckingham Palace. Букингемский дворец

With its architecturally defined profile, this is one of London’s most popular historical buildings. Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham. Later restored by Nash, the present facade was planned

What does mankind bring to the nature? — Что человечество приносит в природу?

In New York zoo at the end of an exposition behind the crates of lions and tigers a stone low-built building is located. The strong thick lattice reserves glass showcase. The inscription above it

Who influence more, family or friends? Кто воздействует больше: семья или друзья?

Young adults may be influenced by many aspects in forming their characters and outlooks on the world. Some people believe that family is the most important influence on young adults. Others think that friends

My Attitude to the Profession of a Teacher. Мое отношение к профессии учителя

The profession of a teacher is a very noble one. A teacher is a very important person for every family, where the schoolchildren live. I remember my first teacher very well. Her name was

Активный отдых летом Топик — Topic Summer outdoor activities

По моему мнению, лето — лучшее время года. Это время, когда мы покидаем свои дома, чтобы выйти на улицу и отдохнуть на свежем воздухе. Есть множество вариантов летнего активного отдыха. Возьмем, к примеру, спорт.

Уэльс Топик — Topic Wales

Уэльс — часть Соединенного Королевства. Страна граничит с Англией на востоке и омывается Атлантическим океаном и Ирландским морем на западе. Уэльс — не очень большая страна с населением около трех миллионов человек. В Уэльсе

Brest — Брест

Brest is a beautiful old city on the west of Belarus. It is a city and administrative center of the Brest region of the Republic of Belarus. The city is located on the right

Sights of the USA. Достопримечательности США

One should start sightseeing in America from Washington. There are many beautiful parks and gardens in Washington. It is interesting to see the famous cherry trees, the gift from Japan. They were brought to

My Favourite Painter

One of my favorite artists is Rembrant is the greatest Dutch master, one of the supreme geneuses in the history of art. To this day the art of Rembrant remains one of the most

Social science or natural science. Социальные или естественные науки

The chances of receiving education are considered the most fundamental right of human beings in the 21st century. Naturally, the argument about what the students should acquire at schools has attracted many attentions from

Advertisements. Реклама

The issue of the role of advertising in our lives is a very controversial one. Some people think that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need, because they claim

A Tea-Party

English people like to invite their friends to have tea with them. On a certain day, perhaps once a month, the house is made very clean and fresh flowers are put in the rooms.

Sights of Great Britain. Достопримечательности Великобритании

There are a lot of places of interest in Great Britain. There are both modern and ancient monuments, like Stonehenge and Hadrian Wall, Durham castle and York Cathedral. Britain also has many interesting museums.

Конан Дойл, топик английский экономика

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective. Readers liked his stories because they were very interesting and the doctor decided to become a writer.

Школьная жизнь Топик — Topic School life

Я учусь в одиннадцатом классе средней школы, и хотел бы вам о ней рассказать. Это старое четырехэтажное здание из красного кирпича. Здание очень уютное, и я уверен, всем ученикам там нравится. Это настоящий дом

Моя комната Топик — Topic My Room

Моя комната — это место, где я провожу большую часть времени, когда я дома. Она довольно просторная и в ней много света благодаря большому французскому окну. Стены в ней теплого бежевого цвета, а яркие

Family Life in Britain. Семейная жизнь в Британии

A «typical» British family used to consist of a mother, a father and two children. But in recent years there have been many changes in the family life. For example, since the law made

Robert Burns — Роберт Бернс

His father W. Burns was a hardworking farmer. He knew the value of a good education and he was determined to give his children the best schooling possible. There were 7 children in the

Martin Luther King — Мартин Лютер Кинг

Martin Luther King was a clergyman and one of the most prominent members of the civil rights movement. He was born of January 15, 1929. He became famous in the 1950 and 1960-es through

Австралия Топик — Topic Australia

Австралия — это страна в Южном полушарии с населением в 17 миллионов человек. Это независимый член Содружества наций. Столица страны — Канберра. Официальный язык — английский. Австралия состоит из острова Тасмании и 6 штатов:

My Work at the Foreign Trade Company. Моя работа в иностранной торговой компании

My name is Maxim Sviridov. I work as a manager at the «Star tour» company. It is a Russian company which works in the business travel market. Two weeks ago I was sent by

The Republic of Belarus — Республика Белорусь

The republic of Belarus is a small beautiful country with the heroic past and difficult present. It is situated in Central Europe. The republic of Belarus borders on Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and

The advantages about living in my city. Преимущества жизни в городе

It is almost always the case that a person who has been living in a rural area for a while confronts certain conveniences and inconveniences of living in a city. One convenience is the

Has the media paid too much attention to celebrities? Обращают ли средства массовой информации слишком много внимания звездам?

Some people feel that television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities, although others have different opinion about that.

Топики по английскому языку праздники, Holidays and traditions in Russia and English-speaking countries, Праздники и традиции в России и Англоговорящих странах

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. But there are also international holidays which are celebrated in all countries worldwide. They are: Christmas, New Year, Easter and St. Valentine’s day.

A live performance vs. television broadcast. Живое выступление или телевизионная трансляция?

To many people, attending a live performance, such as a melodrama, a concert, or a sporting event is so incredibly attractive that they will go all out to get a ticket, regardless of the

The customs of the new country. Обычаи другой страны

Nowadays it is quite common for people to move to other countries either for work or for study. When they move, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country, while

Мои каникулы Топик — Topic A holiday I remember well

Я хотела бы описать праздник, который понравился мне больше всего. Это был Новый год. Сколько я себя помню, мы всегда отмечали этот праздник дома, только я и моя семья. Конечно, мы все вместе нарядили

Король рок-н-ролла, inventors topic english

Elvis Presley, who died at the age of 42 on August 16,1977, will be remembered as one of the earliest and greatest rock and roll singers. His recordings of «Blue Suede Shoes», «Hound Dog»