Shopping топик по английскому, Shopping — Покупки

In my early childhood going shopping was a holiday for me, especially when my Granny took me with her. I knew for sure, I would get a sweet or a bar of chocolate or

The History of the UN. История Организации Объединенных Наций

The term «United Nations» was coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, to refer to the Allies. Its first formal use was in the January 1, 1942 Declaration by the United Nations,

Are classmates a more important influence to a child? Оказывают ли одноклассники большое влияние на ребенка?

I strongly agree that classmates are more influential to a child»s success at school than parents. This I support with the following reasons. A child spends so much time with his classmates at school.

Формирование правительства. Кабинет министров, английский топики упражнения

The party which wins the most seats in the General Election forms the government in Britain. The leader of the winning party becomes Prime Minister. As leaders of their political parties and leaders of

Alcoholism. Алкоголизм

For many people, facts about alcoholism are not clear. What is alcoholism, exactly? For most people, alcohol is a pleasant accompaniment to social activities. Moderate alcohol use — up to two drinks per day

Important qualities of a co-worker. Важные качества сотрудника

We spend more time with our co-workers during weekdays than we do with our family. Thus, it is important for our co-workers to be the people we can get along with. In my opinion,

England — Англия

England is often subdivided into three parts: the South, the Midlands and the North. The landscape of the South is varied. The climate is warmer than in other areas. There are hundreds of miles

My biography — Моя биография

I am too young to have my own family, I am not married yet. My name is Vitaly. My last name is Greezunov. The patronymic is Vadimovich. So my full name is Vitaly Vadimovich

Animals and Pets. Животные и домашние любимцы

There are a lot of animals on our planet. They can be wild and domestic. Wild animals are those animals who live in nature without people. Wolves, foxes, giraffes are wild animals. Domestic animals

Does playing games teach us about life? Учат ли игры жизни?

Playing games plays a significant role in people»s daily life. You can always see children playing soccer or basket ball in parks, and adult enjoy themselves with the bridge game in clubs. Game may