Vincent Van Gogh. Винсент Ван Гог

Vincent Van Gogh was an outstanding painter of the I9th century. He was born in 1853 in Holland, but he lived much of his life in France. He was a very emotional man, and

Money and friendship. Деньги и дружба

Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world. Money, on the other hand, is the most essential thing in the whole wide world. So, while dealing with these two very important

Art and music compulsory subjects? Рисование и музыка — обязательные предметы?

I totally agree with the statement that all students should be required to study art and music in secondary schools. It comes as a direct interpretation of the apothegm «All work and no fun,

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson one of the American President of the past was born in Virginia in 1743. When he was 14 years old, his father died and the young boy was left to choose for

At the doctor’s — У доктора

If we caught cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cough, are running high temperature, we must go to the policlinic. First we come to the registry. The registry clerk on a

Парламент. Вестминстерский дворец, английский топик contracts

Britain is administered from the Palace of Westminster in London. This is also known as the Houses of Parliament. Parliament is made up of two chambers — the House of Commons and the House

Shopping In Britain. Шопинг в Британии

I would like to tell you about shopping in the United Kingdom. Marks & Spencer is Britain’s favourite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts a great variaty of customers from house wives to

Parts of the Day

There are four parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening and night. Morning is the first part of the day. It is the time from sunrise till 12 o’clock a. m. In the morning

Why are movies so popular? Почему кино так популярно сегодня?

There is no denying that movies have inspired a seemingly endless stream of fantastic and exciting issues that we just cannot live without. In fact, the dizzying emergence of movie production can create everything

Friends: similar or different? Друзья: похожие или разные?

Some people like friends who are different from them, while others like friends who are similar. If I have to make a choice, I prefer similar friends. Admittedly, the idea of having different friends

The President of the USA. Президент США

Every four years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, millions of Americans go to the polls to choose a new leader in a free and open election. The candidates, nominated

The Internet. Интернет

The Internet…is it a boon or a curse? This is a very debatable topic. We would need to look at the pros and cons of it and then draw conclusions. Even then it would

English and me — Английский и я

The English language has become a world language in politics, sciense, trade and cultural relations. It is the language of computer technology. So most things are published in English, and if you want to

Топики по английскому 10 класс, My school — Моя школа

My school is very new and modern and it is very confortable and all the pupils like it very much. It is really home for everyone, who studies there. It has three floors. The

«Gone with the Wind». «Унесенные ветром»

I’ve recently read a book which has made a very deep impression on me. It’s called Gone with the Wind and it makes really unforgettable reading. The author of the book is Margaret Mitchell.

Cities and Towns of the USA. Большие и маленькие города США

There are very many large cities in the USA. Washington, the capital of the United States of America, is situated on the Potomac River. In comparison with such ancient historical cities as, for example,

Мой рабочий день Топик — Topic My weekday

Перевод на английский язык During the week I usually wake up at 7 o’clock. My mom usually wakes me up, so I don’t need to set my alarm. I sometimes lie in bed for

Средства массовой информации Великобритании, english topics belarus

The British Media consists of the press and radio and TV broadcasting. Now a couple of words about papers. First of all there is no subscription. You may buy any on sale. There are

My favorite book — Моя любимая книга

My favorite book is «The Old Man and the Sea» by Ernest Hemingway. This story is one of the well-known works of the writer. The author depicts the characters of the old man and

Kyiv — the Capital of Ukraine. Киев — столица Украины

According to the chronicles Kyiv’s first citadel was built in the period from the sixth to eighth centuries. Kyiv bears the name of prince Kyi, who lived on the old Kyiv Hill in the

Getting a view of the whole world — Представления обо всем мире

Everywhere, everyday, exiting things are happening. Each day is filled with news. People learn news and views. While reading newspapers and magazines, taking over the telephone or they are kept informed by watching TV

Is money the most important aspect of a job? Является ли зарплата решающим фактором в выборе работы?

Most people have some sort of bias against money, thinking that everything linked to money, no matter what the thing is, is evil. If money is really evil in itself, it must follow that

Топики по английскому языку окружающая среда, environment

Окружающая среда удивительна и многообразна. На эту тему можно общаться часами. Она затрагивает удивительный мир, окружающей нас природы, животных и экологические проблемы. В данном разделе вы найдете большое количество интересных рассказов и текстов на

Should a factory be built in your community? Можно ли строить заводы возле населенных пунктов?

I strongly oppose to the plan that a large factory be built near my community. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The first and foremost reason lies in the virtually inevitable

Why people remember their gifts? Почему люди помнят о своих подарках?

I have never met a person who does not enjoy receiving gifts or presents. In my opinion, the reason is that it makes us feel special and loved. Sometimes we appreciate more the attention

Мои предпочтения в еде Топик — Topic My preferences of meals

Когда я была маленькой, больше всего я любила арбузы. Они такие сладкие и сочные. Мне нравилось откусывать большой кусок и чувствовать, как сок стекает по щекам. Я также безумно любила куриный суп. У него

Choosing a career — Выбор карьеры, английский топик работа

Everyone needs at least one profession in his life. So when you begin spending sleepless nights thinking about a job and money, when you think longingly of the plans for the future it’s no

Education in Our Life. Образование в нашей жизни

Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life. During all the periods of human history education ranked high

Has TV destroyed communication? Телевидение уничтожило общение?

I do strongly support the statement that television has destroyed communication among friends and family. This I support with the following reasons. First let me describe the role of television today. Nowadays people spend

Travelling. Means Of Transport. Путешествия. Виды транспорта

People began to travel ages ago. The very first travellers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going

Моя любимая книга Топик — Topic My favourite book

Прежде всего, мне хотелось бы сказать несколько слов о роли книг в нашей жизни. Я думаю, книги — наши лучшие друзья. Читая книги, мы имеем возможность заглянуть в будущее или прошлое. Книги формируют ценности

Parts of the USA. New England. Регионы США. Новая Англия

Boston is located in a region which early became an important centre of industry. It was primarily an import and export city for the northeastern corner of the country. This stormy land became the

At the Theatre

I will never forget my first visit to the Bolshoy Theatre. It was ages ago, but this stands out in my memory quiet vividly. My mother bought beforehand two tickets for a matinee performance

Outstanding Historical Events of Canada. Выдающиеся события в истории Канады

Modern Canada originated as a country of immigrants. Before the 15th century Canada was populated by different Indian tribes. In the far north there were tribes of Eskimos. An English seaman, John Cabot, discovered

Country and City. Деревня и город

People are always wondering whether the country or the city is the ideal place to live. If there is one preference-which I take leave to make a conclusion-then it is the country rather than

My Home and My Family. Мой дом и моя семья

I think every person dreams about the place where he can share his problems, chat with close friends, where he can feel happy and quiet. For me it is my home. It is the

Poltava. Полтава

Poltava — one of the most interesting towns of Ukraine — is situated on the picturesque bank of the river Vorskla. Due to its history Poltava is of great interest. It was first mentioned

Love. Любовь

The subject of love is one inspiring poets, writers and artists; those who were lucky in love and those who were passed over by Cupid…Love has been defined as wise, silly, profound, bitter, funny…It

At School

This is our classroom. It is light, clean and large. The room is nice. Its ceiling and walls are white, its floor is brown. There is one door and three windows in it. When

Youth organizations in Great Britain — Молодежные организации в Великобритании

There are about 60 youth organizations in Great Britain. All youth organizations can be divided into three large groups: 1. non-political organizations; 2. youth organizations associated with political parties; 3. youth organizations controlled by

International transfer. Международный перевод

A: Hello. Can I help you, ma’am? B: Yes. Could you tell me how to send some money to someone with an account with a bank in Germany? A: Well, you can pay by

Барселона Топик — Topic Barcelona

Барселона — второй по величине город в Испании и столица автономной территории Каталонии. Она расположена на северо-восточном побережье Иберийского полуострова и омывается Средиземным морем. Население города составляет 1 621 537 человек. Барселона поделена на

Времена года Топик — Topic The seasons of the year

Все знают, что времен года четыре и каждое из них обладает своим очарованием. Давайте начнем с осени. В сентябре и начале октября все еще тепло, ярко светит солнце, и на небе нет ни облачка.

Топик по английскому телевидение, Television — Телевидение

Television is the most popular leisure pastime in Russia. Several television channels are in operation: «Ostankino», «Russian Channel», «Independent TV Channel — NTV». Besides them there are local TV channels and local commercial TV

Эрмитаж Топик — Topic The Hermitage

Эрмитаж — это всемирно известный музей искусства и культуры, находящийся в Санкт Петербурге. Это один из крупнейших и старейших музеев, основанный в 1765 Екатериной Великой и открытый для публики с 1852. Слово «Эрмитаж» означает

Zodiac Signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini. Овен. Телец. Близнецы

Aries, Taurus, Gemini Aries is the first of the zodiac signs. Aries is the sign of the self, people born under this sign strongly project their personalities onto others and can be very self-oriented.

My Favourite Season — Autumn. Мое любимое время года — осень

I like autumn very much. The autumn months are: September, October, November. In September summer yields to autumn. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The sun rays are not so bright

My Friend. Мой друг

I am not a very sociable person yet there are people whom I can call friends. One of them is Ihor. He is eighteen. He left school last year and now he’s a student

William Shakespeare — Вильям Шекспир

William Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous of English writers, and probably the greatest playwright who has ever lived, was born on the 23d of April, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. In sprite of his fame

My Everyday Meals. Моя ежедневная еда

Every person has his own idea of a perfect house. I usually have two or three meals a day on weekdays and four meals on my day off. I don’t often have an opportunity