Марк Твен Топик — Topic Mark Twain

Марк Твен родился в штате Миссури в Соединенных Штатах 30 ноября 1835. Он считается великим юмористом американской литературы 19 века. Отец Твена был неудачливым юристом. В 1838 семья Марка переехала в Ганнибал, Миссури, на

Hotel. Отель

It’s a well known fact that hotels nowadays play a big role. Every year more and more new hotels are opened. Sometimes it is even difficult to decide which to choose while traveling. There

Youth movement in Great Britain and USA — Молодежное движение в Великобритании и США

Numerous youth organization have been formed since the second world war, uniting young people from all classes and sections of the population. Youth movement is not free of some problems, which result from a

New Zealand — the Country of Long White Clouds. Новая Зеландия — страна длинных белых облаков

New Zealand, an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth, is situated to the south-east of Australia. It’s a country consisting of two large islands. The first to settle here were the Maoris.

Newspapers and magazines — Газеты и журналы

Newspapers and magazines play a very important part in our life. Practically there is no family that does not read them. We can learn many things from newspapers. Perhaps that is why many years

Британские музеи Топик — Topic British museums

В Великобритании огромное количество музеев, во многих из которых вход бесплатный. Один из самых известных — Британский музей в Лондоне, который был основан в 1753 году. Это музей человеческой истории и культуры. Его коллекции

Washington — the Capital of the USA. Вашингтон — столица США

Washington, the capital of the USA, was founded in 1791. The city was named after the first president George Washington. The population of the city is nearly three million people. The Capitol is the

Los Angeles. Лос-Анджелес

Los Angeles spans a widely diverse geographic area. Primarily a desert basin, the area is surrounded by the San Gabriel Mountain range and divided by the Santa Monica Mountains. Los Angeles County has 81

New Year’s Day in England — Новый Год в Англии

The celebration of New Year’s day varies according to the district. In the south of England, the festival of Christmas, lasting 12 days from December 25th, runs on well into the New Year. The

Sergey Korolev — Сергей Королев

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev the Founder of Practical Cosmonautics. Academician Korolev is a famous scientist and a founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief constructor of the first Earth sputniks and spaceships. Korolev was