Has computer made life easier? Компьютеры сделали жизнь легче?

Computers are involved in our world form sorted trash to satellite control, making our life easy, convenient and efficient. Obviously, it is a great revolution of human being. It is odd that some consider

A good parent. Хороший родитель

Parents play an important role in the child»s upbringing. However, it is not easy to be a good parent, much to the surprise of those who think dealing with young children is a piece

Automobiles improved modern life? Автомобили улучшили нашу жизнь?

I support the statement that automobiles have caused serious problems. While automobiles have brought us many conveniences, they surely have brought us many undesirable consequences, of which three can be singled out: traffic congestion,

Discovery of America. Открытие Америки

«In 1492 Columbus sailed Ocean Blue». This little rhyme many American children learn to remember the date when Christopher Columbus «discovered» America. Was Christopher Columbus really the first person to discover the continent and

What person in history you would like to meet? Какую историческую личность вы хотели бы встретить?

If I were granted an opportunity to travel back in time, the first person I would like to visit is Buddha. I hope to learn from such a wise and benevolent figure on my

Table Tennis — Настольный теннис

Table tennis was first Invented in England in about 1880. At first the game had several strange names: Gossima, Whiff Whaff and Ping Pong. It wasn’t until 1926 that the International Table Tennis Association

Emissions. Выбросы и их роль в экологии и экономике

It can sound rather surprising but in our time the level of carbon emissions has become a marker of country’s economic development since the more fossil fuels are burnt by the factories, plants and

Загрязнение водоемов Топик — Topic Water pollution

Вода повсюду. Она является неотъемлемой частью всех живых существ, но нет в целом мире моря или океана, которые бы не использовались как помойная яма. Загрязнение водоемов не только уничтожает крупные популяции птиц, рыб и

Мой День рождения Топик — Topic My birthday

Мой День рождения 10-го августа. Должна сказать, для меня это знаменательный день и один из моих любимых праздников. Кроме того, я думаю, мне повезло, что мой День рождения летом. Поэтому у меня есть возможность

Zodiac Signs. Libras, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Весы, Скорпион, Стрелец

Libras, Scorpio, Sagittarius Libras are the diplomat of the zodiac. They are able to put themselves in other’s shoes and see things through another person’s point of view. They are the ones that always