Россия — уникальная страна, которая сохраняет национальные традиции, уходящие корнями не только в христианскую религию, но и в язычество. Христианство дало России такие великие праздники как Пасха и Рождество. А язычество — Масленицу. Древние
There are a lot of places of interest in London. Among them there are: Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London. London stands on
It is known that people have been learning foreign languages for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians learned the Greek language 2.5 thousand years ago. In the 12-th century the French language was learnt
Не для кого не секрет, что большинство людей, особенно женщины, обожают ходить по магазинам. Это приносит им радость и доставляет удовольствие. Я думаю, походы по магазинам можно разделить на две категории: покупка еды и
Santa Claus is a legendary figure of Western culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of good children on Christmas Eve. The modern Santa Claus grew out of traditions surrounding the
This university town is very beautiful. The oldest university there is Oxford. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-five colleges and about thirteen thousand students, many of
There is no real national press in the USA as there are more than 85 newspapers published in 34 languages. There exist two main groups of newspapers: qualities and populars. Only 2 or 3
January 1 — New Year’s Day. The New Year holiday is very popular. In every house there is a firtree. The presents are supposed to be sent by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
There exist some very unusual traditions in Great Britain. One of them is Town Crier’s Rivalry. Town criers from all parts of the country gather at Hastings, Sussex, in August for the National Town
The British have a reputation for being mad about sports In fact they like watching sports more than playing them. The British are spectators and the most popular spectator sports are cricket and football.