Употребление инфинитива в английском языке

Список глаголов, за которыми следует инфинитив с частицей «To»
В данной таблице приведен список глаголов, которые требуют за собой инфинитива:
AgreeСоглашатьсяTom Agreed to come again the next day.
AppearКазатьсяHis health Appeared to get worse.
ArrangeУстраивать, договариватьсяNick Arranged to stay with his friend in Paris.
AskПроситьShe Asked to leave.
CareПитать интерес, иметь желаниеHe doesn’t Care to participate in the activity.
I Chose to help.
ClaimУтверждать, заявлятьShe Claimed to be a princess.
DecideПринимать решениеWe Decided to go to Hawaii.
DemandТребоватьHe Demanded to speak to Mr. Johns.
DeserveЗаслуживатьHe Deserves to go to jail.
ExpectОжидатьThey Expect to arrive early.
FailПотерпеть неудачу, не сделатьHe Failed to get enough money to pay for the new house.
GetПолучить разрешениеMary Gets to go to the concert next week! Why can’t I?
HappenСлучатьсяShe Happened to be at the bank when it was robbed.
HesitateКолебатьсяShe Hesitated to tell me what the problem was.
HopeНадеятьсяI Hope to begin college this year.
IntendНамереватьсяWe Intend to visit you next year.
LearnНаучитьсяI Learned to speak English when I was a kid.
ManageСправляться, осиливатьHe Managed to start the car without the key.
NeedНуждатьсяI Need to visit the doctor.
OfferПредлагатьFrank Offered to give us a lift to the country.
PlanПланироватьWe Plan to go to the seaside this summer.
PrepareГотовитьсяHe Prepared to take his driving test.
PretendПритворятьсяThe child Pretended to be a monster.
PromiseОбещатьShe Promised to stop smoking.
RefuseОтказыватьсяThe guard Refused to let them enter the club.
SeemКазатьсяNancy Seemed to be disappointed.
SwearКлястьсяShe Swore not to lie again.
TendИметь склонностьHe Tends to be a little shy.
ThreatenУгрожатьHe Threatened to call the police.
VowПоклястьсяHe Vowed to get revenge.
WaitЖдатьShe Waited to book a table for the evening.
WantХотетьI Want to be a famous singer.
WishЖелатьI Wish to stay a little longer.
Would likeХотетьWe Would like to start now.
YearnЖаждать, стремитьсяMelanie Yearns to travel somewhere exotic.

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Употребление инфинитива в английском языке