Relative clauses — whose, whom and where

Whose Мы употребляем whose в уточняющих частях предложения вместо his/her/their: We saw some people Their Car had broken down We saw some people Whose Car had broken down. Чаще всего мы употребляем whose, когда

A friend of mine, my own house. On my own/ by myself

A friend of mine / yours / his / hers / theirs. : A friend of mine… A friend of Mary’s… — We went to the country with some friends of ours. — Ted

Some and any Some/ any + — one/ — body/ — thing/ — where

Обычно some применяют в утвердительном предложении, а any — в отрицательном и в вопросах : — Sue has caught some flies. — We haven’t got any money. — I’ve got something tasty to eat.

Word order — adverbs with the verb

Мы ставим некоторые наречия с глаголом в середине предложения: — Tom always goes to work by car. — We were feeling very tired. We were also hungry. — Your car has probably been stolen.

Countable / Uncountable Nouns

1. man a) count b) non-count c) both 2. rice a) count b) non-count c) both 3. time a) count b) non-count c) both 4. information a) count b) non-count c) both 5. weather

When and if sentences

Изучите эти примеры: — If I have spare time I’ll go to the cinema. Это предложение состоит из двух частей: I’ll go to the cinema — главная часть и If I have spare time

Verb + preposition

Посмотрите на список конструкций глагол + предлог: Search FOR someone/something: — I’ve searched the whole house for my keys but I still can’t find them. — The police are searching for the escaped prisoner.

Be/ get used to something

To be used to означает, что вы привыкли что-либо делать, что вам это не в новинку. — I’m used to working hard. — He was used to driving on the right. I used to

Degrees of Comparison. Степени сравнения

1. Their children are not well-behaved. Actually they are….. children I’ve ever seen. A. badly-behaved B. worse-behaved C. the worst-behaved 2. Leo drives a car well, but Collin does it….. . A. the best

Superlatives the longest, the most enjoyable etc

Рассмотрим примеры: What is the longest river the world? What was the most enjoyable holiday you’ve ever had? Longest и most enjoyable — это формы превосходной степени. Для образования превосходной степени прилагательных и наречий,