Why Go To University? Зачем ходить в Университет?
People attend college for various reasons. Some people consider college as a challenge and others take it as a new experience. In my opinion, I think that people attend college to increase knowledge, meet new people and develop their career. Studying at a college can benefit a person greatly to develop knowledge, to aid in developing a career and to give a chance to meet new people of different backgrounds.
Knowledge is such a powerful tool that possessing it can diminish nearly all life problems. A college or a university is the place where one can gain knowledge and become valuable to the society. An individual can acquire knowledge about a wide variety of subjects. When my brother was in college, he learned about bacteria and viruses. He had learned that at high school a little bit, but in college he studied it in depth. In addition, he also learned how deal with life problems in college.
Developing a career is a very important stage in our life. Most students, after
A college or a university is the place where dreams can be fulfilled. The subjects such as how to deal with life, how to interact with people and how to become independent are taught and experienced there. A college or a university makes an individual complete and help him/her to lead a successful life.

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