Past Continuous

Дополните предложения вспомогательным глаголом :

1 I…………. living in the USA for most of the 1990s.
2 As John and Jo…………coming in, Pete gave them the bad news.
3 The sun………….shining all the time we…………revising together outside.
4 We…………… working on Friday, it was a public holiday.
5 ……………you driving by the river when you saw the red car?
6 The elephant………… eating when I…………. feeding the other animals.
7 The whole class…………revising for the exam all through June.

Ответы к упражнению:

1 was

2 were

3 was, were

4 weren’t

5 were

6 wasn’t, was

7 was

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Past Continuous