A friend of mine, my own house. On my own/ by myself

A friend of mine / yours / his / hers / theirs. :

A friend of mine… A friend of Mary’s…

— We went to the country with some friends of ours.

— Ted quarreled with a sister of his.

— It was a good suggestion of yours to celebrate my birthday in the forest.

— That lady over there is a friend of my mother’s.

— It was a good idea of Sam’s to go fishing.

My own…/ your… и т. д.

Own используется только с личными местоимениями, а не с артиклем :

My / your / his / its / our / their

My own flat, your own house, her own computer

My own…= что-то, что принадлежит только мне:

— Do many young people in the USA have their own house?

— He doesn’t want to share with anyone. He wants his own room.

— Unfortunately the flat hasn’t

got its own entrance.

— It’s your own fault that you’ve no job.

— Why do you want to take my car? Why can’t you use your own?

Мы употребляем…own…, чтобы сказать, что мы делаем что-то сами, а не кто-то это делает за нас. Например:

— Jess always cuts her own nails.

— Does he grow his own vegetables?

On my own/ by myself

On my own и by myself оба означают alone.

On my/your/his/her/its/our/their


By myself/yourself/himself/herself/itself

By ourselves/yourselves/themselves

Ед. число

Мн. число

— Mary likes living on her own / by herself.

— Did you come on your own / by yourself?

— Fred was sitting on his own / by himself in his room.

— Little children are not allowed to swim on their own / by themselves.

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A friend of mine, my own house. On my own/ by myself