Mixed Tenses №6

Откройте скобки, используя глаголы в нужном времени :

1 A I..have seen…. three films this week.

I haven’t seen any, I’m afraid.

2 A Where is Jack?
B He…………. to the park with Paul.

3 A I haven’t seen Tom for a long time.
B I know. He………….. a lot since September.

4 A John paid for the cinema tickets last night.
B Really? He……………. very generous these days.

5 A The children are exhausted.
B They………….. for hours, that’s why.

6 A I had a very bad day at work yesterday.
B So did I. First, the computer………. and then I…………. coffee on some papers.

7 A Has Arthur retired now?
B Yes. He………….. for the same company for forty years when he decided to retire.


A Where are the children?
B Oh, Stan…………… them to the zoo.

9 A Have the Smiths moved yet?
B Actually, they………… next Saturday.

10 A…………. that man over there?
B No. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before.

11 A Shall we stay in tonight?
B Actually, I…………. to my friend’s birthday party.

12 A Do you want to come to the cinema with me?
B Yes, but remember, I…………. horror films.

13 A I found a ring while I…………. a tree yesterday.
B Really? Can I see it?

14 A Life………….. a lot better fifty years ago.
B I agree. People…………… more fun.

15 A I…………. to phone you since this morning.
B Oh, I have been out shopping with my sister.

16 A Why are you annoyed with Jason?
B Because he………….. important things.

17 A The orchestra played very well last night.
B Yes. They………….. together for weeks before they held the concert.

Ответы к упражнению:

Have seen Has gone Has been studying Is being Have been playing Broke down, spilt Had been working Has taken Are moving Do…. recognise Am going Don’t like Was planting Was, used to have Have been trying Is forgetting Had been practising

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Mixed Tenses №6