Топик по английскому москва, Moscow — Москва
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the seat of the highest bodies of state authority. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. In the 15th century Moscow became the capital of Russian state. With the transfer of Russia’s capital to St. Petersburg in 1712, it became the country’s second capital. In 1918 it became the capital of Russian Federation, and from 1922 to 1991 it was the capital of the USSR.
Present-day Moscow is a capital of Russian Federation. Moscow has more than 5000 streets and squares taking up an area of 1000 square kilometres. The population is about 9 million, plus some three million guests coming annually. Moscow is a country’s major industrial centre, unrivalled in the strength of its work force and the range of manufactured goods. Machine building, instrument ma-king and radio electronics are the leading industries of the capital. Moscow is the major transportation hub linked by rail, road and air with all the areas of Russia and
Moscow is the main scientific centre of Russia housing the Russian Academy of Sciences, 78 higher educational institutions and many scientific and research establishments. Moscow is the venue of important congresses and conferences, scientific symposiums, art exhibitions, festivals and sport competitions.
Moscow is the major tourist centre of Russia. Thousands of people who visit our capital, come to see its Red Square, the main square in Moscow and Russia and the famous Kremlin, numerous museums, theatres and exhibitions. The most famous are the Bolshoi Theatre, the Tretyakov Art Gallery, Pushkin Fine Arts Museum and many others.
The city impresses everybody with its streets lined with fine buildings, its large squares, green parks, its wide bridges, its beautiful embankments, churches and monuments. Russia’s centre of present-day transformations, Moscow combines the memories of the past with all that is sacred today and holds a good promise for the future. Moscow is an ever young city, which is always growing and changing. It is a city dear to the heart of every Russian man.

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