One or two friends, or many friends. Один, два или много друзей
I cannot imagine a person who has not enjoyed the company of a friend. Friends are very precious and therefore, we constantly love and cherish them. Spending time with friends has always been regarded
Fedor Dostoevski — Федор Достоевский
The Russian writer Dostoevski is regarded as one of the world’s great novelists. In Russia he was surpassed only by Leo Tolstoi. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevski was born on Nov. 11, 1821, in a Moscow
Global warming — Глобальное потепление
«Global warming» has been introduced by the scientific community and the media as the term that encompasses all potential changes in climate that result from higher average global temperatures. Hundreds of scientists from many
Holidays In Russia. Праздники в России
There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations. The major holidays are: New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day, and
Королевская семья, english topics environment
At present the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was bom on the 21 st of April 1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her
Technology made the world a better place to live. Техника сделала мир лучшим для жизни
A great many achievements have been accomplished in recent decades in almost every area of technology, such as in computer science, manufacture, and medicine. But there have always existed two opposite attitudes towards technological
Should children grow up in the countryside or in a city? Должны дети рости загородом или в городе?
Nowadays, technological development is directed to such people-crowded places such as big cities, resulting in significant differences of lifestyles between people living in the town and in the countryside. It is said that big
Изменение климата Топик — Topic Climate changes
В настоящее время происходят значительные изменения климата. Они тесно связаны с парниковым эффектом и глобальным потеплением. Парниковый эффект представляет собой поглощение энергии, отраженной от поверхности Земли углекислым газом и другими газами в атмосфере, что
Mercury. Меркурий
Mercury is the innermost and smallest planet in the Solar System, orbiting the Sun once every 87.969 days. It completes three rotations about its axis for every two orbits. Mercury is bright when viewed
At the Doctors
It is winter now. It is often cold. I can’t say that I can stand colds. So, sometime ago I suddenly fell ill. I mounted a high temperature. I had a running nose and
Топики по английскому с переводом, топики по английскому языку города, cities
Постоянное изучение английского языка предполагает изучение письменной грамматики, а также ее разговорной составляющей. Деловые стили перемешиваются с разговорными, выстраивая богатую, насыщенную речь, которая поможет вам с легкостью общаться с носителями языка. Основной трудоемкой единицей
Careful planning. Внимательное планирование
Gorge Barton, the famous American general in the Second World War, was well-known for his bold plan and his ability to grasp chances to strike the enemy in an unexpected way. However, few people
The importance of hard work. Важность тяжелого труда
That hard work is a key to success is a well-known adage. Parents, teachers as well as others guide a child to work hard so that he can achieve good scores. Though a little
Scotland — Шотландия
Scotland is one of four parts of the GB. In area Scotland is more than half as big as England. The principal cities of the country are: its capital Edinburgh and the main industrial
Geographical Position of Canada. Географическое положение Канады
Canada occupies the northern part of the North American continent and some islands. It borders on the USA. The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in
Are celebrities opinions right? Верно ли мнение звезд?
Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. When it comes to opinions, though, there is a difference between the majority of people and celebrities like actors, athletes, and rock stars. If you are an
The Kremlin. Кремль
The Kremlin is the symbol of first Russian and later Soviet power and authority. Its crenellated red brick walls and 20 towers were built at the end of the 15th century, when a host
Should boys and girls go to separate schools? Должны ли мальчики и девочки учиться в разных школах?
Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that boys and girls should attend separate schools, while others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that boys and girls should
TV in my life — Телевизор в моей жизни
TV is very important thing in our life. We can say that TV is our eyes because TV helps us to know more about the world, about the others counties, about the events that
A Ticket to London. Билет до Лондона
A: What time does the next train to London leave? B: At 16:35, from platform 8. A: Is it a direct train to London? B: No, you have to change trains at Birmingham. A:
Ирландия Топик — Topic Ireland
Ирландия — третий крупнейший остров в Европе. Он расположен на северо-востоке континентальной Европы. Ирландия отделена от Великобритании Ирландским морем. Население страны составляет около 4,5 миллиона человек. В Ирландии умеренный, но переменчивый океанический климат. Благодаря
Education in the USA. Образование в США
The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are feepaying.
My Meals. Моя еда
It goes without saying that I prefer to have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like
Why are people living longer? Почему люди живут дольше?
With the development of human society, people are living longer now. Many factors interact together to enable a longer life. There are three most important causes: the quality of food has been greatly improved;
Environmental protection — Защита окружающей среды
Since ancient times people have been trying to produce more and more to increase human wealth. Nobody noticed that we were destroying Nature by using it as the source of raw materials, and as
Should we save land for endangered animals? Нужно ли сохранять исчезающие виды?
Human beings tend to put their needs in the first place all the time. It is obvious, that we all need shelter, food and clothing to survive. For some people possession of mentioned above
English Traditions. Английские традиции
English Traditions Every country and every nation has its own customs and traditions. You cannot speak about England without speaking about its traditions and customs. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep
Why people work? Почему люди работают?
At the outside, it might seem obvious that jobs are just to earn our daily bread. But as we explore the facts beyond the selection of job, there are myriad of factors that go
The US Educational System — Американская Образовательная Система
The US educational system is very decentralized and schools vary greatly from state to state. There are three levels of subsidizing of education: federal, state and local. They subsidize 3-5 per cent on a
Топики по английскому языку москва, Moscow — Москва
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was first mentioned in the records dated back to the year 1147. At that time it was a small frontier post. The history of Moscow is connected
Effects of Divorce On Children and Parents
Records show marriages have been taking place since the earliest recorded history. Evidence of elaborate ceremonies joining couples together are present all over the world. Couples have been joined in a legal contract, for
Россия Топик — Topic Russia
Официальное название страны — Российская Федерация. Это самая большая страна в мире, охватывающая территорию в 17 миллионов квадратных километров. Россия расположена в Европе и Азии. Она омывается 12 морями. Россия граничит с Норвегией, Финляндией,
Компьютеры Топик — Topic Computers
Компьютер — это электронное устройство, способное получать набор команд, называемых программой и выполнять их. Современный мир высоких технологий не может существовать без компьютеров. Компьютеры всевозможных типов и размеров находят применение в нашем обществе. Они
Британская литература Топик — Topic British literature
Те, кто занимается изучением британской литературы, исследуют литературу и литературную историю англо-говорящих людей Британских островов, начиная с зарождения английского языка и до настоящего времени. Однако британская литература относится не только к литературе, ассоциируемой с
Travelling — Путешествие
Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. One can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Those, who wish to travel, either for pleasure or on
Glasgow. Home of Ships
Glasgow is a great Scottish city of about one million people, famous for its shipyards, which line the banks of the Clyde river. Glasgow citizens are proud of the fact that there is probably
Топик по английскому sport, Sports and a healthy way of life — Спорт и здоровый образ жизни
Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part
Books and libraries — Книги и библиотеки
I usually take books from school library. The library is helpful when I have to make a report, when I need information on some subjects. The choice of books in our school library is
Outstanding People of Great Britain. Выдающиеся люди Великобритании
Great Britain made a great contribution to the science, literature, music and arts of the world. It gave mankind a lot of outstanding scientists, writers and poets, musicians and painters. Thomas More, who lived
Топики по английскому языку путешествие, travellings
Здесь вы найдете топики по английскому языку по теме «Путешествие». Наверное, трудно найти человека, который не любил бы путешествовать. Но если во время путешествий по просторам нашей страны проблем, по крайней мере, со стороны
Pluto — Плутон
Pluto, which is only about two-thirds the size of our moon, is a cold, dark and frozen place. Relatively little is known about this tiny planet with the strange orbit. Its composition is presumed
New-York. Skyscraper City
New York is the largest city in the Western hemisphere and the third largest in the world. Its population is about fourteen million. It is situated on the Atlantic coast at the mouth of
Belarus. Республика Беларусь
The republic of Belarus is situated in the center of Europe on the watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas. The capital is Minsk. Belarus borders on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. The
Топик по английскому работа, The working day of an engineer — Рабочий день инженера
One of my friend, Dmity Shevelev, lives in Vladivostok now though he was born in Nakhodka. Some years ago he graduated from the one of our institutions and became an engineer. Now he lives
Выдающиеся события в истории Великобритании Топик — Topic Outstanding events in the history of Great Britain
В истории Великобритании было множество выдающихся событий. Тысячи лет назад Великобритания была соединена с Европой и покрыта льдом. Страна превратилась в остров 8000 лет назад. Первые люди пришли в Великобританию два с половиной миллиона
Топики по английскому travelling, Travelling — Путешествие
People began to travel ages ago. The very first travellers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going
Джон Голсуорси Топик — Topic John Galsworthy
Джон Голсуорси родился в Суррее 14 августа 1867. Его отец был богатым адвокатом. И хотел, чтобы Джон стал юристом. Поэтому он обучался в Харроу и изучал закон в Нью колледж, Оксфорд. Однако некоторое время
Should people satisfy with what they have? Должны ли люди довольствоваться тем, что они имеют?
In contemporary society, there are new things coming up almost every day. Some people have to face such a fact that you can never buy a real new product, because the new one always
Smoking. Проблема курения
Smoking is the best way to bad health. Today half the men and a quarter of the women in the world smoke on the average. Some people think that there is not much sense
It is very nice in spring. The sky is often blue. The sun shines brightly in the sky. It is warm. It sometimes rains, but the rain is warm and pleasant. Spring is a