Топики по английскому языку интернет, About myself — О себе

I cannot say that I have a lot of spare time because it takes me much time to get ready for my exams to the University and learning exams at school. But nevertheless I

Моя комната, топики россия английский

My family lives in a three-room flat of a typical block of flats with a lift and rubbish chute. Our flat is on the sixth floor. As you enter the flat you find yourself

My Friend’s Character. Характер моего друга

When we speak about somebody’s character, we can characterize a person as polite, friendly, good-natured, kindhearted, generous, thoughtful or, on the contrary, hard-hearted, ill-natured, rude, greedy, uncommunicative. Now I’d like to describe you my

Our Planet Earth. Наша планета Земля

The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but it’s the only place where human beings can live. Today, our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and

Our Duties about the House. Обязанности по дому

Every person should be hard-working because one cannot get anything without putting a lot of work into it. In our family everybody works with pleasure. I haven’t got any brother who could help my

Sport in Our Life. Спорт в нашей жизни

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, it keeps them fit, it makes them more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and

Graffiti. Граффити

New Yorkers used to see the graffiti on the walls of poor neighbourhoods and subway trains as something menacing and an example of urban decay. The scrawled names and slogans were seen as unsightly

Топики по английскому языку сша, The USA — США

The United States of America is important English-speaking country. It consists of fifty different states and the District of Columbia joined together under one government. The USA covers an area of almost 9400000 square

Рассказ о себе Топик — Topic About myself

Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут Боб. Мне шестнадцать лет и я учусь в одиннадцатом классе средней школы. В этом году я собираюсь поступать в Политехнический университет, поэтому уделяю особое внимание таким школьным предметам как математика,

Чарльз Диккенс Топик — Topic Charles Dickens

Чарльз Джон Хафман Диккенс был самым популярным английским романистом викторианской эпохи. Работы Диккенса характеризуются нападением на социальное зло, несправедливость и лицемерие. В молодости он также испытывал угнетение, когда ему пришлось покинуть школу в подростковом

Thomas Edison — Томас Эдисон

Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors of his time. He invented so much that it is difficult to say which of his achievements is the greatest. He was an experimenter and

Is homework necessary? Нужно ли домашнее задание?

There is much controversy about the necessity of daily homework for students. Some say homework is necessary since only practice makes perfect, while others disagree because they believe a student should have the freedom

Qualities of a good roommate. Черты характера хорошего соседа по комнате

At first glance it seems very difficult for us to define what are the important qualities of a good roommate. However, after serious considerations we can see that under most circumstances, a good roommate

Диана — народная принцесса Топик — Topic Diana — the people’s Princess

Диана Спенсер родилась 1 июля 1961 года в Сандринхэм в Англии. У нее были две старшие сестры и младший брат. Ее родители развелись, когда ей было 8 лет. В возрасте 16 Диана уехала в

I would like to meet Michael Jordan. Я бы хотел встретиться с Майклом Джорданом

If I have the opportunity to meet a famous entertainer or athlete, I would like to meet Michael Jordan. Jordan was neither tall nor strong in his childhood, but he never gave up playing

Мои друзья Топик — Topic My friends

По моему мнению, настоящий друг — этот тот человек, который остается с тобой, что бы ни случилось. Друзья никогда не врут. Они держат данные тебе обещания. Настоящие друзья дают тебе возможность уважать себя, чувствовать

The 8th of March. 8 марта — Международный женский день

There are many holidays in our country, the 8th of March is one of them. It is a happy and nice holiday. It is a good tradition in our country to give presents and

Climate and Nature of Canada. Климат и природа Канады

Canada is situated in the northern part of the North American continent. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean

Politeness — a Sign of Culture. Вежливость — признак культуры

I think politeness is one of the signs of culture, but real culture includes more than simply being polite. How far does politeness go? Is it only saying, «Good morning!» and «Excuse me, please!»

День рождения моей мамы Топик — Topic My Mother’s Birthday

Как большинство детей, я думаю, что моя мать волшебница. Она красивая, добрая и печет замечательные печенья. Моей маме 20-го мая исполнилось 45 лет. За несколько недель до этого я решил устроить ей вечеринку-сюрприз. Мы

Why Go To University? Зачем ходить в Университет?

People attend college for various reasons. Some people consider college as a challenge and others take it as a new experience. In my opinion, I think that people attend college to increase knowledge, meet

Высшие органы власти США, english topic minsk

By the US Constitution the government of the nation is entrusted to three separate authorities: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. The executive power is vested in the President, who holds his office

Foreign Languages in Our Life. Иностранный язык в нашей жизни

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some

My phobia. Моя фобия

Phobia is a strong feeling of fear. In some cases it becomes a phsycological illness. Mostly it is a result of a bad accident which leaves in our mind unpleasant memories. When a person

Space Exploration. Исследование космоса

On April 12 every year the Russian people celebrate Cosmonautics Day in commemoration of the first space flight in the world which was made by Russian citizen. Here are three main dates in the

Третьяковская галерея Топик — Topic The Tretyakov Gallery

Государственная Третьяковская галерея — национальная сокровищница русского изобразительного искусства и один из величайших музеев в мире. Он расположен в Замоскворечье, недалеко от Кремля. Фасад здания галереи был разработан художником Виктором Васнецовым в особом стиле

Mass Media. Средства массовой информации

The mass media play an important role in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment.

Music. Музыка

«Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.» English literature is full of references of music. Literatures of different eras reflect the likes, dislikes and nature of people belonging to that era. If you

What is an important discovery in the last 100 years? Что является важным открытием за последние 100 лет?

I think the most important discovery that has been the most beneficial for people in my country is the invention of the Internet. So far as I can tell, the Internet has been beneficial

The mathematical sciences — Математические науки

Rapid growth in the nature and applications of mathematics means that the Newtonian core — calculus, analysis, and differential equations — is now just one part of a more diverse mathematical landscape. Yet most

Спорт в Австралии, английские топики work

A lot of Australians think you shouldn’t worry too much about life. But some things in life are really important, and to many Australian men, one of these things is sport. If s something

Borrowing money from friends. Одолживший денег друг

It is claimed that developing a real friendship is a long and complicated process. Maybe the reason is that firstly people have to know each other very well. And after that they begin to

Топики по английскому языку образование, education

Одной из самых важных вещей, что может получить человек в своей жизни, является, конечно же, образование. Это ценное приобретение играет не последнюю роль в нашей жизни. В течение всей истории человеческой цивилизации, образование обладало

Should students evaluate their teachers? Должны ли ученики оценивать своих учителей?

I am always amazed when I hear people saying that students have no rights to evaluate their teachers, and that if they do so, they should be regarded as dishonest. Even one did not

Winning the most important aspect of playing a game? Выигрыш — самый важный аспект игры?

To my mind all the humanity is bit by bit losing the very important strain of enjoying life as a process not only gaining any profit. As it is happening with all life throughout,

Clothes make a man. Одежда создает человека

Would a frenzy people become cool, after he wears a lab white cloth? Would a child become mature, after he dresses a tie? And would a prisoner become a hero, after he takes off

Lady Gaga. Лэди Гага

Lady Gaga is an American recording artist. She began performing in the rock music scene of New York City’s Lower East Side in 2003 and enrolled at New York University’s Tisch School of the

Исследование космоса, путешествия топик английский

Mankind always dreamed of overcoming gravitation and reaching other planets. But it was only in the 1960ies that this dream was to become reality. On the 12th of April 1961 the spaceship «Vostok» was

Топики по английскому языку хобби, About myself — О себе

Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some

Рождество в Австралии, австралия топики английский

Most Australians have been dreaming of a white Christmas for centuries. But the traditional European Christmas is just a myth for Australians. Santas wearing thick woollen clothes don’t fit with Australia’s thirty-degree heat. Thankfully

Quick decisions. Быстрые решения

I agree with the statements that the decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. Those quick decisions that people make are like bids in a gambling. Even if they have a chance to

My Parents’ Working Day. Рабочий день моих родителей

My parents are very busy people. My father is a businessman. He is a chief manager in a very big firm. Every day he has a lot of work to do, that’s why he

Problems of unemployment of young people — Проблемы безработицы молодых людей

I think that the problem of youth employment is very actual and must be solved as quick as possible. Most of young people in Russia nowadays get higher education chiefly because it is in

Husbands and Wives. Мужья и жены

Men are lazy at home, according to an official survey published today. They have about six hours a week more free time than wives, but play very little part in cooking, cleaning, washing and


Wales is a country situated in the West of Britain. St. David is the patron saint of Wales. On the 1-st of March, St. David’s Day, patriotic Welsh people wear a leek or a

My favorite holiday — Мой любимый праздник

Many great holidays and anniversaries are celebrated in our country. On the 1st of May there is May Day — the holiday of spring and labour. On the 8th of March there is Women’s

British and American families — Британские и американские семьи

British and American families are small. In fact the populations of both Britain and the USA have stopped growing. The typical family has a father, mother and two children. Grandparents come to visit, but

My friend and his flat — Мой друг и его квартира

I’d like to speak about my friend Andrey and his flat. Andrey is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from our school. Andrey has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play

Washington — Вашингтон

Washington is the capital city of the United States. It is located on the north bank of the Potomac River. George Washington, the first President of the USA, after whom the city was named,

Outstanding Events in the History of America. Выдающиеся события истории Америки

Outstanding Events in the History of America The first voyages along the coast of modern South and Central America were made by Amerigo Vespucci. That is why, in the 16th century German cartographer named