Употребление герундия в английском языке

Список глаголов, которые требуют после себя герундия
В данной таблице представлен список глаголов, требующих после себя герундия:
AdmitПризнаватьHe Admitted cheating on her.
AdviseСоветоватьThe doctor generally Advised cutting on the amount of cigarettes he smokes.
AllowПозволятьIreland doesn’t Allow smoking in bars.
AnticipateПредвосхищать, предвкушатьI Anticipated arriving late.
AppreciateЦенитьI Appreciated her Helping me.
AvoidИзбегатьHe Avoided looking at her.
Не быть способным поделать что-либоHe Can’t help laughing at their silly jokes.
Can’t seeБыть не в состоянииI Can’t see spending so much time on the report.
CompleteЗаканчивать, завершатьThey Completed restructuring the company.
ConsiderРассматривать, обдумыватьShe Considered moving abroad.
DefendЗащищатьThe lawyer Defended Her Making such statements.
DelayОткладыватьHe Delayed doing his part of the job.
DenyОтрицатьHe Denied revealing the secret.
DespiseПрезирать, ненавидетьShe Despises having To work such long hours.
DiscussОбсуждатьWe Discussed launching a new project.
DislikeИспытывать антипатиюHe Dislikes working night shifts.
Don’t mindНе возражатьI Don’t mind having another try.
EncourageВоодушевлять, поощрятьHe Encourages eating healthy foods.
EnjoyНаслаждатьсяWe Enjoy going to the cinema.
ImagineПредставлять себеHe Imagines going abroad there one day.
InvolveПредполагать, включатьThe job Involves doing a lot of paper work.
KeepПродолжать делать что-либоShe Kept interrupting me.
MentionУпоминатьHe Mentioned studying at that college.
MindВозражатьDo you Mind waiting here for a few minutes?
MissСкучатьShe Misses living near the lake.
PermitПозволятьCalifornia does not Permit smoking in restaurants.
PostponeОткладыватьHe Postponed taking another day-off.
PracticeУпражняться, тренироватьShe Practiced playing the piano twice a week.
RecallПрипоминатьTom Recalled opening the door with the key.
RecollectВспоминатьShe Recollected seeing him the other day.
RecommendРекомендоватьTom Recommended going by plane.
ReportСообщать, докладыватьHe Reported Her Being Absent at the meeting.
RequireТребовать, нуждатьсяThe position Requires doing an on-the-job training.
ResentВозмущаться, гневатьсяNeil Resented Monica’s being there.
ResistСопротивляться, противитьсяHe Resisted going out that night.
RiskРисковатьHe Risked being sent to prison.
SuggestПредлагатьThey Suggested having a walk in the park.
TolerateТерпеть, допускатьI Tolerated Her talking non-stop.
UnderstandПониматьI Understand His Quitting the job.
UrgeНастоятельно призывать, побуждатьThey Urge recycling bottles and paper.

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Употребление герундия в английском языке