Teacher. Учитель
Education is one of the holiest occupations in my view. I disagree with that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Although teachers are important for students, the most important part for learning knowledge is students themselves.
Different teachers has different style, so it is hard to evaluate how well each teacher teaches according to how much students learn. As nobody would have the same character, teachers also have their own teaching styles such as humorous, gentle, strict, to name a few. Maybe some students like humorous teachers, while others prefer a gentle one. But probably the students of a strict teacher could give good results in their study, even though these teachers teach the same thing. We could not say that the strict teacher should be paid higher than the gentle teacher, since we know that the students have learned more because they were afraid.
On the other hand, how much or how well students learn depends on students themselves.
In sum, although teachers are important in students» education and learning, there are many other factors that decide how well students» learn. So it is unfair that teachers are paid according to how much their students learn.

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