Multiple subjects or one subject. Много предметов или один
The whole point of my answer is that it is better for universities to require students to specialize in one subject. It is just what the majors are called for, even though there are a couple of the advantages for students to take classes in many subjects.
It is a more sensible decision that universities require students to specialize in one subject. They must have known that the depth of a certain subject is infinite, and both the students» energy and time are limited. Only when a student specializes in one subject, can he focus on it. Thus it ensures the students to become proficient in a subject when they are conferred the degrees. That is just the purpose of education.
It does not mean that students do not have many classes to attend even if they just specialize one subject. There are a lot of sub-subjects or divisions of a main subject. The science of journalism, for example, can include the theories of journalism, the histories of journalism, the news writing
I do not deny that there are a couple of advantages for universities to offer students the option to take many subjects. One thing, the work places require multi-disciplined personnel today. Students who take many subjects may meet that request. Another advantage is that other subjects that students take can help their main subject. Whatever the benefit it will be, however, the other subjects that students take should not interfere with their main targets.
In the whole, if students» time and energy allowed, universities could allow students to take as many subjects as possible. However, I think that possibility is small. So I have to say that it is better for universities to urge students to specialize in one subject. After all, the main subject already needs a lot of work to cope with, considering the depth and width of one subject.

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