Some/any/no и их производные №2

Дополните предложения, используя нужные местоимения:

1 A: Is there…anything… good on television tonight?
B: I don’t know. Look in the newspaper.

2 A: Would you like………….. to eat?
B: No, I don’t want………………, thank you.

3 A: There is…………….here to see you.
B: Who is it?

4 A: I went to Jane’s house, but there was………….at home.
B: Perhaps she has gone………….nice for the weekend.

5 A: I have……………time to do all this work.
B: Is there…………..I can do to help?

6 A: Was the party good last night?
B: Not really. There were hardly………..people there.

7 A: I have to go shopping, but I don’t have……….money.

lend you……………if you like.

8 A: Have you seen Michael……………. ?
B: No, I haven’t seen him.

9 A: The town was very busy today. There was………….. to park.
B:They should build…………… new parking facilities.

10 A: What would you do if you were lost?
B: I would ask…………for directions.

11 A: Is there…………….you would like to go this weekend?
B: I’d like to go nice and quiet.

12 A: Is…………….wrong with Paul?
B: No, there’s……………wrong with him. He’s just tired.

Ответы к упражнению:

1 anything

2 something, anything

3 someone

4 no one, somewhere

5 no, anything

6 any

7 any, some

8 anywhere

9 nowhere, some

10 someone

11 anywhere, somewhere

12 something, nothing

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Some/any/no и их производные №2