Infinitive//Gerund №2

Выберите правильный вариант:

1 ‘….. is very relaxing.’
‘I don’t agree. I think it’s boring.’
A Fish
В Fishing
С То fish

2 ‘I can’t decide what…….to the party.’
‘Why don’t you wear your blue dress?’
A wear
В wearing
С to wear

3 ‘Did you go to the cinema last night?’
‘No. My parents made me…………..for the exam.
A to study
В studying
C study

4 ‘Did you enjoy your holiday?’
‘Yes, but I am glad………….home again.’
A being
В to be
С be

5 ‘Shall we go to a restaurant this evening?’
‘I’d rather…………. at home. I’m exhausted.’
A stay
В staying
С to stay

6 ‘Why

did you go to the library?’
‘……….some books to read.’
A Get
В Getting
С То get

7 ‘Why do you want to buy a car?’
‘Because I hate…………for the bus every day.’
A waiting
В wait
С to wait

8 ‘Do you have any plans for the summer?’
‘Well, Danny suggested………… Spain for a week.
A go
В going
С to go

9 ‘Shall we go for a picnic on the beach?’
‘Oh, no! It’s far too cold………….to the beach today.
A going
В to go
С go

10 ‘What is the matter with Peter?’
‘There’s no point in…………me. I have no idea.’
A ask
В asking
С to ask

Ответы к упражнению:

Fishing To wear Study To be Stay То get Waiting going To go Asking

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Infinitive//Gerund №2