Past Tenses №1

Identify the tenses, then match them to the correct descriptions.

Определите время и объясните его использование:
1 People used to have/had very simple lives in those days.
2 She was talking on the phone when her boss came in.
3 Sam was in hospital because he had crashed his car.
4 They had been studying hard all morning, so they were tired.
5 I was cooking lunch while he was pouring the drinks.
6 We had been living in the house for a year before we decorated the kitchen.
7 Princess Diana did a lot of work for charity.
8 At two o»clock this afternoon they were having lunch at work.
9 First, she knocked on the door. Then, she went inside.
10 We had bought the tickets before we went to the theatre.

Ответы к упражнению:

Past Simple Past Continuous Past Simple, Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous Past Simple Past Perfect

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Past Tenses №1