Relative clauses — whose, whom and where
Мы употребляем whose в уточняющих частях предложения вместо his/her/their:
We saw some people | Their | Car had broken down |
We saw some people | Whose | Car had broken down. |
Чаще всего мы употребляем whose, когда говорим о людях:
— A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.
— What’s the name of the girl whose car you borrowed?
— The other day I met someone whose brother I went to school with.
Употребление whom вместо who возможно, когда оно выступает дополнением к глаголу в уточняющей части предложения :
— The man whom I wanted to see was away on
Вы также можете употреблять whom с предлогами :
— The girl with whom he fell in love left him after a few weeks.
Однако мы редко употребляем whom. В разговорном английском who и that более предпочтительны. :
— The man I wanted to see…
— The girl he fell in love with…
Когда уточняющая часть предложения говорит о местонахождении, вы можете употребить where:
The hotel — we stayed | There | — wasn’t very clean |
— The hotel | Where | We stayed wasn’t very clean. |
— I recently went back to the town where I was born. I was born in’)
— I would like to live in a country where there is plenty of sunshine.
Мы употребляем that, когда говорим the day/the year/the time :
— Do you still remember the day we first met?
— The last time I saw her, she looked very well.
— I haven’t seen them since the year they got married.
Вы можете сказать the reason why something happens или the reason that something happens.
Вы также можете опустить why и that в этих предложениях:
— The reason I’m phoning you is to invite you to a party.





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