Should a new restaurant be built in your neighborhood? Нужно ли строить ресторан возле твоего дома?
What do you think if there will be a restaurant built near your neighborhood? People may have different opinions. Some people will be against it because of too much noise, potential pollution, etc. Other people, however, will welcome it very much. As far as I am concerned, I like to have a restaurant built in my neighborhood.
In the first place, a restaurant will make my daily life more convenient. As we know, cooking is a very important thing in people»s life and it is also very time-consuming. When I come home from work and feel tired, I normally want to eat out. If a restaurant is very far away from my house, I have to give up that idea because I do not want to waste my time and energy on the road. As a result, I have to cook myself. What a pain! If there is a restaurant nearby, it will make a difference. What I need to do is to take a leisure walk to the restaurant, sit down, make an order, enjoy my dinner and then, the most important thing, and leave without cleaning the mess.
In the second place, I have another good place to meet my friends. Sometimes, meeting friends at home is tedious, especially meeting some friends that I am not very familiar with. If there is a restaurant nearby, I can invite them to go to the restaurant. While drinking and eating, we will have more topics to talk about. And the beautiful environment of the restaurant will make the talk more pleasant.
In addition, I can make more friends in the restaurant. A restaurant the best place to meet new people if you are not shy. If the restaurant is just within walking distance of my home, I will be there more frequently and have more chances to know more people.
In conclusion, I will support the plan of building a restaurant near my home not only because a restaurant can make my life more convenient, but also because it can be a ideal place to meet friends.





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