To, been to, into By car/ in my car


Мы говорим go to/come to/travel to, когда речь идет о местах или событиях. Например:

Go to America

Come to England

Return to Italy

Fly to Moscow

Walk to work

Drive to the airport

Go to the bank

Go to a party

Go to a concert

Be sent to prison

Be taken to hospital

Go to bed

Мы говорим get to :

— What time did you get to London/work/the party?

Мы говорим go home/come home/get home и т. д. :

— I’m tired. Let’s go home. — What time did you get home last night?

Been to

I have been to = Я побывал где-то; Я ездил

туда, но теперь я вернулся назад :

— Have you ever been to Japan?

— I’ve been to Rome four times.

— Ann has never been to a football match in her life.

— Jack has got plenty of money. He has just been to the bank.


Go into/come into и т. д. = enter :

— I opened the door and went into the room.

— Don’t wait outside! Come into the house.

— The man the police were chasing ran into a shop.

— A bird flew into the room through the window.

By car / in my car

Мы используем by…, чтобы сказать, каким образом мы путешествуем:

By car

By train

By plane

By boat/ship

By bus

By bicycle


By road

By rail

By air

By sea

By Underground

— `How did you go to Paris?’ `By plane.’

— Tom usually goes to work by bicycle / by car / by bus / by train.

Однако, мы говорим `on foot’:

— Did you come here by car or on foot?

Однако, нельзя сказать by, если вы говорите `my car/the train/a taxi’ и т. д.

Говорят `in my car’ , `on the train’ .

Для машин и такси мы употребляем in: in my car, in Tom’s car, in the car, in a car, in a taxi.

Мы говорим get in /get out of машины или такси:

He got into the car and drove off.

Для велосипедов и общественного транспорта мы употребляем on: on my bicycle, on the bus, on the 6.45 train, on a big ship.

Мы говорим get on/get off :

Quick! Get on the train. It’s ready to leave.

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To, been to, into By car/ in my car