Some/any/no и их производные №1
Дополните диалог, используя нужные местоимения:
Bill has lost his keys
A: There is 1) Nothing/something more annoying than losing 2) Something/anything.
B: What have you lost?
A:My keys. They must be 3) Anywhere/somewhere in the house, but I’ve got 4) No/any idea where. I can’t find them 5) Nowhere/anywhere.
B: Are you sure you haven’t left them 6) somewhere/nowhere by mistake?
A: Of course not. They can’t be 7) somewhere/anywhere else but here. 8) No one/Someone must have hidden them.
B: Why would 9) No one/anyone hide your keys? There is 10) Any/no Reason for 11) Anyone/no one to do 12) Nothing/something so silly.
A: Well, I need 13) Some/any Help to find them. I have to go 14) Anywhere/somewhere important this afternoon.
B: Calm down. It’s 15) Some/no Use getting angry about 16) Anything/something like this. Look! There are 17) No/ some keys on that chair.
A: They’re mine! Oh, I feel so silly!
Ответы к упражнению:
Nothing Something Somewhere No Anywhere Somewhere Anywhere Someone Anyone No Anyone Something Some Somewhere No Something Some





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